Section Eleven: Adoration And Annihilation

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Saturday, November 30th, 2012- London, England


I woke up to the sound of someone knocking on my door. I sit up, rubbing the sleep from my face and eyes, and pulled on my housecoat. I open the door, to find my Dad with an ornate crystal vase of  beautiful flowers.

" Oh, Daddy, you didn't need to do this!" 

" I didn't. It came this morning with a card. I didn't read it, so here." 

I take the flowers, putting them next to my bed, and pulled out a small bright red card with back lettering. 

" What's the card say?" 

" ' To the flower that blooms by moonlight, may you always awaken to a smile that shuns the sun. With admiration, A.' Oh, that is just so sweet! I love them!" 

" Any clue who this 'A' person is?" 

" I have my suspicions, but I can't be sure. I need to shower and get ready for the day. I'll be down for breakfast in an hour." 

" The Sister's made sweet rolls, so hurry before they're gone." 

" Yes, Daddy." 

I got up, giving the flowers one last sniff before going to my wardrobe, and pulling out a white tank top, my blue sweater dress, and a pair of white lace leggings.  Cleaning myself up rather quickly, and getting dressed, I pulled my hair into a decent ponytail style, and put on what makeup I was allowed. I went downstairs, grabbed a sweet roll, and a cup of coffee. I loved the Sister's when they baked, seeing as I can't bake at all. I sent a quick text to Integra, just to see if our plans were still active, and she said of course. I got up, taking my coffee with me to my room to pull on my shoes, and once I let Dad know where I was going, he wished me luck and to have fun. I got in my Lexus and took off, thankful that Integra had given me a special gate pass. I pulled in, and found Integra waiting for me by the door, a smile on her face. For a woman who was roughly 10 years older, she barely looked her age, the stress of her job made her age a small bit, and it didn't help she smoked like a chimney, just like Dad did when he thought I wasn't paying attention and he was stressed. 

" Good morning. How did you sleep?" 

" Wonderfully, but I woke up to a very sweet surprise from quite possibly your employee by the name of Alucard. I got a beautiful flower arrangement sitting next to my bed."

" Really? I'm just as shocked as you." She gives me a small wink, making us both smile. " It's not in Alucard's nature to do niceties like that. You must've sparked something long thought dead by most."

" Y-you really think so?" 

I twirled a small section of my hair, and Integra laughed. 

" My my Miss Skye, has the love bug bitten you?" 

" I hope it's just a bug in this case." 

We both laugh, and head inside, where we both planned on playing chess and I was going to teach Integra how to make no-bake cookies, about the only thing I can do. Time flows by and eventually, Alucard joins us, and is strangely silent, but is very much in a good mood, as present by the fact his eyes are blue when he doesn't realize it, or the fact he has had a smile on his face since he joined us in the kitchen. 

" So, Alucard, I was wondering something?" 

" What is that?" 

" Did you send me flowers this morning?" 

" I did. How did you like them?" 

" They were beautiful, as was the card. Thank you." 

" You are most welcome, Moonbeam." 

I crinkle my nose and giggled a small bit. " Moonbeam? Sunshine makes sense with my hair and sunny disposition, not to mention my namesake, but why Moonbeam?" 

" Because you light up my dark without hurting me, hence Moonbeam." 

 " Aw, thank you. What's got you in such a nice mood right now anyway?" 

" Well, let's just say you are a wonderful presence and just by being in it, I am becoming a better person." 

" Oh, well, I-uh, thanks, I guess." 

I turned back to the bowl of wet ingredients I was working on, and felt my face get hot. 

" Skye, I was wondering, have you ever been on a romantic date?"

I start laughing a bit too hard, earning a slight confused glare.

" Uh, no. Have you met my father? Dad would scare off everyone just by his presence alone. He's a big guy, and I've seen him punch a tree into splinters, so I don't blame them." 

" How would you like to go on one with me?" 

His voice was smooth, and it was rather gentle, but the suddenness of the question almost made me spill the dry ingredients. I mixed everything together, and popped the portioned cookies into the fridge. 

" I don't know if Dad will let me. I don't do anything without his approval." 

" I don't need an answer this second. I have all of eternity. Take your time to think it over, alright?"

" O-okay. I'll talk to Dad about it tonight." 

He smiled, and it was sensitive and kind, full of love and human emotion. I heard my phone buzz, so I answered it, noting it was Dad calling. 

" Hello Dad, what's up?" 

" Where are you?!" 

" I'm at Hellsing. I've been here all day. Why, what's wrong?" 

" Put Alucard on, now!" 

" Ok. Alucard, Dad wants to talk to you. It sounds urgent."

Alucard took the phone, and his face changed as my Dad talked to him. It went from the kind man I knew, to the beast I feared. 

" Master, we need to get you underground with Skye. I have to go help Anderson." 

" Why, what's wrong?" 

" The orphanage is under attack, and he asked me for a favor. You are to stay in the cellar until I get back with Walter." 

" Servant, you don't come back until those monsters are dealt with, understand?" 

" Of course, my Master."

" Alucard!" 

I don't know what possessed me, but I gave him a kiss on the cheek before he took off as Walter escorted us to the basement.  

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