Section Seventeen: Long Live The Queen

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Wednesday, December 25th, 2013-Hellsing Manor, London, England


Today was Christmas, and I knew Skye would be excited beyond measure at having the holiday here at the manor. It has been a year full of growth, development, and mastery, and so I feel she has more than deserved a gift. Skye had become a queen, yes, but refuse to dress like it, and with a much more lax lifestyle, chose a blend of her pastels with a more darker spin, calling it pastel goth, going so far as to dye her once beautiful white hair into a lovely shade of mauve blend. I didn't mind it, but she knew it had to be redone once ever two months Her logic about it was preventing it from getting stained but I know she did it to be a bit rebellious with her father. I had woken up an hour before her, so I had time to go get my gift. I'll admit it is rather lazy and uncool to wait so last minute, but I had a reason. I had to order it online, and it was delivered this morning by post. I made my way upstairs, and found Walter walking with my package. 

" Alucard, did you order this?" 

" Yes, it's Skye's present. She has had a rough and challenging year, so I got her something that might make her smile." 

" Oh? What is it?" 

" I got her a beautiful ring. I know she has her doubts, so I got this to solidify our relationship for her."

I show it to Walter, and he actually looked at it in awe and joy. 

" That's lovely, Alucard. I never took you to be a sentimental person."

" With Skye, I am. I also know Anderson has been showing his age more these days, and I worry for the worst."

" Well, between us, I know why he's been looking his age, and it has nothing to do with Karma catching up." 

" Oh? And what gossip do you have for me, old friend?" 

" It's because he's been occupying Integra's room at odd hours of the night, usually when he knows you'll be busy with Skye." 

He's sleeping with Master? " Are you serious? They're having an affair?" 

"  I am. My proof? I found a lone sock underneath the bed and it was far too big to be Sir's." 

I doubled over laughing. I couldn't help it. Master and the elder Anderson were sleeping together. 

" Oh good lord, and why all the secrecy?!" 

" Imagine how Iscariot would handle this. Skye would either be happy or furious, and we don't know how Maxwell would handle this." 

" True. I could present this information as a curious question, and judge from there. Keep me posted, old friend. I am really looking forward to cornering the elder Anderson." 

We shared a cheeky laugh, and I went to find Skye, who had run off to the library, where I also found Master with Alexander.

" Halo, we need to tell you something rather important." 

" Oh? Like what?"

" Well, you know how you and Alucard have gotten close?" 

" Yes. I'm so happy that even after a year, we've been solid." 

" Yes, well, you two aren't the only ones getting close. See, Integra and I have developed a bond not unlike you and-" 

" Oh my sweet candy canes, you two are dating!?"

" Well, to put it bluntly, yes, we are." 

" Oh my gosh, this is amazing! I've never had a mom before, least, not one I can remember! Oh, this is amazing!"

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