Section Ten: A Talk From A Father

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Friday, November 29th, 2012- London, England


I was in the library, picking out a novel to read, when Walter handed me a portable home phone. 

" It's Father Anderson, said he wanted to talk directly to you." 

I raised a brow as I took the device, and placing it to my ear. 

" Hello, Anderson. What do I owe the pleasure?" 

" Hello, Alucard. I'm calling because it involves Skye." 

My heart froze. Was she okay? 

" Is she alright?" 

" More than alright, she's in love." 

" Oh? And who's the lucky gentleman?" 

" You." 

I actually stopped moving, as if his words were Medusa's gaze. 

" A-are you certain of this? I swear on my coffin I haven't done anything to her!"

I heard him laugh. " Relax, vampire, I'm not mad. I figured I should inform you is all. She's of course in denial about it, like most girls are when they get caught, but I know when she's hiding something, or at the least failing to do so. She always has been horrible at lying to me. I just want to ask you one thing, and one thing alone." 

" And what's that?" 

" If she does talk to you about going down that road, please promise me one thing. I want her to be human so long as I live. If she outlives me, then by all means, turn her, but if I am breathing, she is human. I don't want her to be anything more or less than the girl I raised." 

" Anderson, while I am flattered, I would never do such a thing to her. Skye is far too pure for such a damning thing such as my bite, my curse. She is a lone ray of sunshine in a usually grey and cloudy abyss. I have lived for a long time and yet met anyone as old as she is and to still have their child-like wonder and innocence like she has. I would never corrupt her, I couldn't. It would be no different than if I killed a unicorn."

" I see why she likes you. I don't fully understand how, but it's not my place to." 

" I honestly am in the same boat, so to speak. I don't know why or how either. I know what and who I am. For all intent and purpose, I belong dead and suffering in hell for all I have done. I don't deserve someone like Skye in my life." 

" And yet, maybe this is a small reprieve from that misery. She didn't go into detail, but when I questioned her, she defended you, telling me to give you a chance as a person. I don't always understand my daughter, but God knows I love her and would do anything for her. Alucard, man to man, can I trust you with her? Alone?" 

I knew the answer he wanted to hear, and I knew the answer in my head and heart that was the truth, and to my amazement, they were the same word. 

" Yes. I wouldn't ever hurt her. I don't think I could even if I wanted to. Huh. Well that's a first. Centuries of conquest of various types and I finally met a maiden I couldn't even bring myself to try with, and I honestly don't want to. I must be getting tamed in my time here." 

" Good. She's coming over tomorrow, so please, don't tell her I called you. Let this happen as naturally as it can.  She's never had this kind of experience, and I don't want her to know that I meddled." 

I had a small laugh. " She's never felt admiration to anyone other than you and God?" 

" No. Most of the boys that were here when she was a teen avoided her because of me, and most of the male volunteers we get do the same. She knows it would take someone very special to pass my inspection. She is my ray of sunshine, My sweet little Skye, and has been since she was 6. I just want what any father would, and honestly, to be fair, there are far worse people she could've picked." 

" Really? Like fucking who?" 

" Maxwell, one of the Iscariot soldiers, one of the Sisters, I could go on." 

" Fair enough, I guess." 

" I want to know how you feel about her, and don't be afraid to be honest with me."

I sat silent for a moment, collecting my thoughts, and took an unnecessary sigh. 

" Well, when I first saw her, it was odd, like seeing a flower bloom under the moon. Her vision is hypnotic and lulling, but it also reminds me of Monkshood. While the flower is a lovely blue, one wrong step around it can lead to deadly results." 

" I see. So, while yes, she's pretty, you are hesitant." 

" Understandably so. You are her father, and to be quite blunt, I know how well you can fight, and to what lengths you'd go to. You are the poison to her flower, the thorn to her thistle. Anyone with a lick of sense knows the only difference between medicine and poison is the dose."

" So what are you saying?"

" I'm saying that while having her around the Manor in small doses is nice, livens the place up a bit, but too much could be deadly for me. I'm not saying that I can't grow to love her, but I am saying there isn't anything I won't do for her, much like you. In just one visit, she has me enslaved and wrapped around her little finger." 

I heard him chuckle. " Seems we are men of the same mind with her, to a point. I'm going to have to let you go before she comes back. When she comes over tomorrow, you should give her a flower. Her favorites are pink daffodils and Forget-Me-Not's." 

" Of course they are. Talk to you sometime soon, yes?" 

" Of course. Have a good evening, Alucard." 

" You as well, Alexander."

I hear the click, so I hang up on my end, and set the phone down. I sit down on a couch that's in the library, and think on what Anderson had told me. He was fine with the idea of Skye with me, even encouraging it a little it seems. I went out into the small decorative garden we had outside the Manor, and looked for the very flowers he said, only to find none. I moved to Master's office, and found her still up and working, typing on her laptop. 

" Master, I have a request I'd like to make." 

" Oh, Alucard! You startled me. What is it?" 

" I was wondering if you could send a flower-gram for me." 

Her face lit up like Paris at night, her blonde brow raised in wonder. 

" Why? And to who?" 

" Because I wanted to surprise Skye with some when she wakes up tomorrow."

" O-oh. Well, I could, but what about Anderson?" 

" He's fine with it. Just got off the phone with him."

" Well then, alright. What kind of flowers?"

" Pink daffodils, Forget-Me-Nots, Baby's Breath, and add a lone pink rose."

We finalized what I wanted it to say on the card and such, and I make my way to the library to pick out a novel to read until the sunrise, a subtle, but there smile resting on my face. 

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