Chapter 25 (Roman's POV)

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Dee: is it all going any better?

Roman: not really... I mean, my bro has been messing up shit since the moment I got here, so the bar isn't high up. Still, I get tired around him super fast

Dee: I see... well, at least it's only two days? Some people have to stay for the whole Christmas season

Roman: you're right on that... At least i get to spend the rest of the holidays with my friends, so i should be thankful for that

Dee: yes, you should.

Anyways, what ya doing rn?

Roman: Not much.

I'm in my room for now, pretending to be asleep

Dee: well, it's 8 am, so-

Roman: it's Christmas, my good pal. Also, if I haven't woken up by 9 am, Remus will throw a bucket of freezing water to my face, but we still have another whole hour to enjoy with eachother's company

Dee: you're right with that

Texting you in the morning is one of my favourite activities of the day

Roman: aww, you're making me blush!

Dee: Really? mission acomplished then ;)

Roman: 😳

Dee: 😘

Roman: 🥰

I stared down at the message I had just sent, feeling those familiar butteflies in my stomach. It was strange, I hadn't met Dee such a long time ago, we've only started texting about a month ago or so, but I already felt such a strong connection with him. Hell, I didn't even know his actual name, and I hadn't met him irl, but I didn't need that to know that I already felt something different, something that i hadn't felt since-

I shook my head and awaited for Dee's reply. This was only us jocking around, it wasn't flirting... right? I mean- we where just pals! But he understood me so well, and he liked theatre so much, just like me, and he was so compasive, asking me how i was feeling and-

Roman, focus. You can't just start gay panicking for this guy who you don't even know! The only things you know about him is that he goes to the same college as you, curses law, has a pet snake, is intelligent, and sweet and his favourite colour is yellow and-

"Nooooo" I squealed, pushing my face against the soft pillow. As Logan would say, this was irrational. He had taught me that a true, good relationship needed time, and that if you rushed things it'll end badly. My relationship with Virge was proof of that, and how he and Logan worked so much better helped with the evidence and-

"uhhhh" I groaned, pressing my face once again on my pillow, this time harder. Why did I have to remember Logan and Virgil right now? I don't exactly like being here with Remus, I didn't need even another reminder of the failure I am! 

A buzzing sound distracted me from my thoughts, it was another message from Dee. I picked up my phone to see what he had sent.



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