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There are orbs in the imperial city
Traditional Chinese
Set up
Turn off the lights
Chapter 13 Becoming a real Highness is so tall, it seems to be half taller than her...

    As the chief eunuch of the Taiyang Palace, Liu Zhongbao has always been cautious in his words and deeds.

    The emperor chose Miss Ming Jia as the princess of the fifth Highness, not because of Miss Ming's character and deeds, but her identity as Miss Ming.

    It is said that the Sacred Heart is unpredictable, but the emperor is also a human, and he always considers a lot of children to treat his favorite children, and pave the way for him.

    The middle door of Ming's house opened wide, and he saw a girl in a flower skirt standing next to the maidservant. The young girl is like a sprout on a willow branch in the early spring, full of vitality. Especially those eyes, like a clever cat under the moonlit night, appealing to others.

    "Madame, Miss." Liu Zhongbao saluted respectfully, and when he looked up, he saw the little girl from Ming's knees bowing back to him. There was an unabashed curiosity and innocent smile in her gleaming eyes.

    Liu Zhongbao blinked at her, then smiled back at her.

    Jiuzhu secretly smiled while covering the corner of her mouth. Turning around, she saw that her mother and the sixth brother didn't pay attention to them. They quickly put down their hands. It was the well-behaved little girl again.

    Seeing that Liu Zhongbao did not bring the imperial decree, Shen greeted him into the main hall, and ordered his servants to prepare melon and fruit refreshments: "I don't know the father-in-law will be here today, but the son is still in the ceremony department and cannot come to treat the distinguished guests. Please forgive me. "

    Madam, you are polite." Liu Zhongbao took a sip of the tea, with a friendly tone: "Master Ming is loyal to the emperor, patriotic, and dedicated to his duties. It is my great honor to have such a good minister. Even your Majesty often praises Master Ming. "     The old slave is here today to run errands for your majesty and your noble concubine." Liu Zhongbao smiled kindly, as if he could not get along better with the old man: "Since the Fifth Majesty's engagement with Ling Ai, your majesty has been busy in government affairs and has never been able to see Miss Ming Tomorrow is the birthday of the noble concubine and empress. Your Majesty remembered that the young lady had just returned to the capital, so he was worried that some things were not ready, so he asked the old slave to send something."     Shen smiled and thanked: "Thank you     , Madam and Miss, for your love." Just don't dislike it." Liu Zhongbao raised his hand, and the palace attendants filed in, holding or lifting or picking, and soon the whole hall was full.

    Looking at the house full of things, the Shen family couldn't help but wonder, in the eyes of the royal family, what was it like for their family to be poor, and they wanted their in-laws to make allowances twice in the next three days?

    Gold and silver jewelry, silk and silk, books, calligraphy and painting, pen, ink, paper and inkstone, piano, chess and jade, all kinds of objects, and even toys that the daughter of Weifu Pavilion likes.

    "Your Majesty learned that the young lady was very accomplished in painting, and prepared the best paint, paper and pen for the young lady." Liu Zhongbao opened one of the boxes, which was filled with small boxes of paint.

    Ming Cunfu, who was sitting next to him, couldn't help showing envious eyes.

    "There are also these calligraphy and paintings." Liu Zhongbao opened another big box filled with painting tubes filled with scrolls: "Keep my lady for fun."

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