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Ok as you can see this is not a chapter but I really need you to read this!

So I don't really know if you like this book or not. I've only gotten one comment which was very nice! But I seriously don't know if your not reading the book anymore, or you just don't want to comment or vote. So long story short, can you please start, I don't know, voting, fan me or maybe even write a nice comment on the book... It really did make my day when someone said something nice to me and I really want to have that happiness in me again! So please, I'm not writing the next chapter until I know that people actually like this book. And it won't hurt to make me the happiest person ever, and I hope that if your the awesome one who does, that you could have happiness too. Knowing that they made a person like me happy!

Um yeah and another thing that I'd like to share with everyone...

Well recently I've noticed that people like to judge me because I'm 'different'. They think I'm some fat nerd that looks up comebacks on the Internet. My own cousin and sister judge me because I don't wear the clothes they wear, or I don't have my hair in the same style as they do. I just want people to know that I don't care what they say, i don't care if u whisper about me behind my back, I don't care how low u go to insult me. Because in the end talk turns into air, but I have hope, hope that one day people can stop and listen to themselves and see the others prospective. See people as who they are and not because they pray or sit by themselves. It's bullying, it hurts, and people shouldn't be judged. You say ur cool because ur 'indie' but the next day ur asking ur mum for something cos everyone else has it. Yeah, real unique. So in the end u can call me fat or ugly or nerd, but I'll still hold my head up high because I know that on day you'll realize ur mistake when ur the one by ur self or have something happen to u so no one talks to u. It's hope, and I believe in hope. So go and make ur insults and wear ur little fashionable things, cos I don't care. One day it'll backfire on u and then we can see who's laughing.

I hate bullying. It's really mean and low. Ur wreaking a life when you bully. That child that u bullied could be anything. Something great. But u wreaked there life. Because there not living that dream they always had. There hiding in there room holding a baseball bat in fear that u'll come back. I hate it and u never really do know until someone actually does bully u. It hurts even more when it's ur own sister and cousin that r the bullies.

So to everyone that has ever been bullied or is being bullied. Stand up for yourself. Don't run away. What's that gonna do? Help u for a day but then it happens all over again the next? I stood up for myself and now it's the bullies that run away. And to be honest. I'm actually happy about it. I'm happy that I didn't run away or be scared. Because now I'm living my life and not being scared. I showed them what I'm made of and that I'm not the nerdy little Jada. Yes, I'm weird sometimes, well all the time, and yes I'm not like the rest of u, I'm different. But I'm proud to be different. If everyone was the same, them how boring would that be? So I'm happy I'm different, and remember that it's ok. It's ok to not be like everyone and its ok to not have that pair of shoes because she has them. Love your life and live it. Embrace the moment. There's a light at the end of the tunnel. You only live once. Never let go of that dream. <3 xx


JadeyBear xx

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