Chapter 11

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"And for the final tribute of district 4 we have... Logan Bellhouse!" She said

"No!" I screamed without even knowing I did.

Everyone looked at me and I let a tear slide down my check. Jacob sow and held my hand from behind Zander.

Zander just hugged me tighter while Jacob rubbed my back.

"I believe we have brother and sisters in this game! Correct me if I'm wrong." Shelly said to Logan

"Yes..." Was all Logan said

"Well! Please give a round of applause for this years tributes Victoria Vail, Haleigh Myers, Brittany Luzi, Elaine Brustein, Clarisa Bellhouse, Zander Patterns, Jacob Upson, Jace Knight, Odan Holyoke and Logan Bellhouse!" She said in one whole breath, that should be a world record.

She started clapping and only a few people did slow small claps in the audience.

She cleared her throat and then pushed us to the visiting rooms.

I was ruffly pushed into my room and made myself comfy because I knew no one would come.

And then 2 seconds later someone came in the room, it was Jeff!

Why would he come here? I mean I did knock him out just a few hours ago.

"Ok, I only have a few minutes! Clair you have to win this ok! Your a good fighter, your smart, and you can hunt. There's gonna be 120 tributes so it'll be hard. Look, I need you to stay strong in there and fight. Ok? Promise me?" He said hurriedly

"I can't, I have to let Zander, Logan and Jacob win" I whispered

"Can you at least try!?" He yelled

"Okay, I'll try, but I can't promise." I whispered again.

"Good" he said and then went over and gave me an awkward hug.

"Ok, I'll see you soon, right?" He said and a peace keeper went in and told him his time was up.

I didn't even get to reply when he was pulled out and gone. That was probably the last time I'll ever see him.

He still had the bandage on his jaw from when he punched me and that's when I remember that I had a bandage with blood on it as well, on national TV.

Wow, now there gonna think I'm a weirdo.

I waited for about 3 minutes when someone else came in my room, it was Zander's parents!

Paula was crying and Adam looked like he would break down any second now but was trying to keep strong.

I didn't even get to say something when Paula came over a hugged me.

"Promise me you'll try and keep him safe? Just try?" She said crying hard.

"It's ok, I'll try bringing him home, even if it takes my life it the process." I said trying to be brave.

"No, you can't! You have to come home! I just want you to try and keep him safe. Please. I don't want him to just be a bloodbath tribute that no one remembers, and we all know there's never been a 12 year old victor, ever." Said crying ever louder if that was possible.

"It's ok, there's always hope!" I said crying but trying to sound happy.

"Ha, wel-" she was about to say something when a peace keeper came in and told them to leave now.

That was quick...

"Come back." Was all Paula said and got pulled out by a peace keeper. Adam looked at me and hugged me then left.

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