Chapter 10

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I suddenly felt really scared

I was lining up to get my finger pricked and was terrified

Beside me I had Logan, he was wearing a nice dress shirt and pants that finnick lent him.

On the other side of me was Zander holding my hand and next to Logan was Jacob.

I was wearing a white dress that cut off at about above my knees.

It had little baby pink leaf like things all over it and a pink belt with a small pink bow in the middle. My shoes were cream colored flats and were actually really comfy! My hair was do in a side fish plait and had a cute baby pink ribbon at the bottom.

And well, obviously Annie lent me this outfit because I don't even own things this pretty!

When it was time to get our finger pricked I went first, then Jacob, Logan and lastly Zander that I had to I encourage a bit.

Well it was his first year.

Once we did that we all separated.

Logan went to the 17 year old boys section

Jacob went to the 16 year old boys section

I walked Zander to the 12 year old boys section and told him to wait at the end, and i'll come get him.

I then walked over to the 15 year old girl section and stood near the end so that as soon as this was over I cold run and get Zander then get out of this place.

The district 4 escort Shelly Glasser came up and did some little speech on the games and how they came, then we watched some boring as film about the dark days.

She then walked over to the girls bowel and pulled out a piece of paper.

She opened it up and then read the name.

"Victoria Vail!" She said in her Capitol accent

Everyone turned to the 14 year old section and I noticed that she was right in front of me. She had

She turned around and bit and had a shocked look on her face. I patted her shoulder and she turned to look at me.

I gave her a sad smile and she sadly smiled back and then walked slowly up the stage.

I felt sorry for her, she's only 14 and probably not gonna make it out of the arena.

Once she was up Shelly got out another piece of paper and did the same proses until there was one more left.

I looked up on the stage and sow the girls standing on the stage looking shocked. There was Victoria Vail 14, Haleigh Myers 17, Brittany Luzi 16 and Elaine Brustein 16.

I felt sorry for Brittany and Eliane, there besties and even know when there on the stage there hugging and crying together.

I got pulled out of my thoughts when I hear something I never ever want to hear in my life.

"And finally, Clarisa Bellhouse!" Shelly said

WHAT?! IM GOING INTO THE HUNGER GAMES!? Ok stay cool Clarisa, you can't seam weak in the games.

I stood up straight and then started to walk up to the stage.

Once I was up I sow a camera point right at me and I smiled so that I didn't seam scared even though on the inside I was dying.

When I was in the right place on the stage I looked back and sow finnick and Annie give me sad smiles. I have them a sad smile back and then turned to the front again.

My eyes went to Zander, standing at the front about to cry, then Jacob who gave me a firm nod and lastly Logan.

He looked worried like hell and looked like he was in panic mode.

Our eyes meat and he relaxed a bit. I smiled at him and he smile at me.

I was pulled put of my thoughts when I heard some paper being opened and Shelly's throughs being cleared.

"And the first male tribute for this years Hunger Games is, Zander Patterns!" Shelly said and my eyes darted to little Zander in the front with everyone's eyes on him.

"Zander..." I said looking at him and him looking at me.

I was on the verge of tears but blinked them back and gave him a firm nod.

He started walking up and everyone would pat his back and wish him luck. It was kind of cruel actually, because there basically saying 'bye, I won't ever see you again cos your gonna die'.

He walked up on the stage and stood next to me.

I put a hand on his shoulder and he looked up. I gave him a reassuring smile and he just nodded and was about to cry.

I turned back to face the crowd when Shelly was about to say the next name.

"The next male tribute is....... Jacob Upson!" She said in her Capitol accent.

NOT JACOB! I already had to keep Zander safe now I had the two of them!

My eyes went to his and he just kept strong and stood tall, he put a smirk on his face and then strutted up to the stage.

When he was up he stood next to Zander and then looked at me.

I was really going to cry now if I didn't pull myself together. I blinked back the tears rapidly and looked down. I felt a hand on the small of my back and sow that Jacob was the source, wow, I never really sow how good he looked today... Wait, did I just think that?! OMG, I'm so weird.

I gave him a smile and a silent thank you then he stood back up tall and look forward.

I looked down at Zander and he was smiling at me, he made a heart shape and I knew what he was think.

I gave a disgusted face and he laughed.

"Whatever..." I mumbled and went back to looking at the front.

Shelly picked the next two out and they where Jace Knight 16, and Odan Holyoke 17. I remember seeing Jace in the Training Centre, he was good, not as good as Logan and Jacob, but good.

"And for the last tribute for district 4 we have!..."


Hardy har har! You already know who it is but hey! Who does care these days?

Kik me JadeyBear99 and love life

So yeah,

Fact: Girls flamingos are pink and boy flamingos are blue. But the boys are so shy that they stay under water and make the girls do all work.


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