Chapter 17

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"Now, the training scores for district 4!" Caesar said through the TV.

I was on the couch watching the training scores with the rest of panem and boy this is way more intense when your actually the one getting the score.

I have so much going through my head.

Like what if its a bad score?

What if I let everyone down, or say something dumb in the interview?

What if my plan doesn't work?


I walked in the giant training room.

There where the weapons I trained with, apart from twin sai :( and in the corner of my eye I could see the colorful room where the games makers sit.

I walked in front of the colorful place to see no one was even looking!

They where all talking and eating food. What was I meant to do to get there attention?

I cleared my throat and still nothing.

I clapped my hands once and only one person looked but then put there attention back to there food.


I finally got angry, just a bit, not enough to through something at them even though I really wanted to.

I started to clap my hands in a beat. I hummed a bit and jumped on the spot a bit.

Some of them started to stare now and that made me happier.

I did a little song and clapped my hands more. I started hitting things and making music with them.

At home I always loved to sing and dance, it was the thing I did best and I would always be tapping anything around and making a beat.

I started singing and dancing and skipped over to the knife throwing station.

I picked up some knives and throw them in a beat. When I ran out I skipped to the sword station.

I did a twirl and grabbed a sword at he same time.

I started slicing the things around me and making music.

I then throw the sword in the wall and in went straight in.

I did some cartwheels and skipped around the hole training room and used the weapons to make music.

When I got through all of them I did a few flips over to the game makers and finished with a roll.

I stood up and saw that every game maker had there eyes on me. There mouths where wide open and there glasses where smashed on the ground.

One of them started,to clap and then another one did, until they were all clapping.

Even the Avoxes were clapping.

"Thank you, for listening so well throughout my performance" I said taking a bow and then strutting out confidently.

Then what I did just hit me.

God why did I do that? I could have been like a normal person and just done it and gone. But no, I had to make a big deal out of it!

I'm dead! Shelly's not gonna like this! Finnick probably isn't either. I was meant to use the weapons, not turn them into an orchestra!

What. Have. I. Done.


First it said the boys,

It was...

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