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"Congratulations to both of you! And hyuck mom said both of you need to go to chicago tomorrow" donghyuck sister said patting the girl shoulder before leaving the two. "You're not going to eat?"


"take care hunny!" Hae rin mom shouted at the nnew 'married' couple entering the airport entrance. "Ahh i have a bad feeling on this whole trip thingy" she sigh waiting for their flight to take off. "Eat this i told you to eat before going did i?"  He put the spoonful of rice infront of the girl lips. She open her mouth chewing the rice slowly.

After seeing hae rin getting better he take a blanket and a pillow out from his backpack , placing the pillow on his neck while placing the newly blanket on her lap. Few minutes in her eyelids getting heavier meaning that she's sleepy. she put her head on hyuck shoulder not caring what the boy think as long she's feeling comfortable. After seeing haerin sleeping peacefully he slowly cupped her cheek "you're so cute but too bad this whole marriage thing is just arranged" his smile faded turning his head to the window.

the plane safely arrived "haerin-ah wake up we're here" he shook the girl body with such a force making her wince at the pain.

Why is he acting so cold now i just sleep on his shoulder jeez.

She thought but shrugged it. The girl almost lost him when he walk like he's actually running "can you walk slower? Its not like there's marathon here" "its not my fault that you're just too short" he rolled his eyes walking away leavingthe girl stood there frozen "wahh whats wrong with him?" She sigh calling chenle cause his the only best friend that can cheer her up in just a split sec.

Soon he answered but clearly he annoyed at the call "What?"
"Urgh what's wrong with people being all bad mood nowadays are you boys having a period too?" She sigh once again closing the phone, when there's no sign of hyuck she fastened her pace feeling unbothered if she lost.

She thought she was getting kidnapped when a pare of hands drag her outside "who the fu-" the guy was wearing mask and a cap so she can't really see his face,slapping the guy on the face she quickly backed away "yah! Its me" hyuk said feeling the rage inside him going to explode when she slapped him.

"Oh my god they just came and they fight already?"
"Shut up yuta"
"she's pretty though"
"Dude stop flirting im getting disgusted now but yeah she does look pretty"

The couple stop glaring each other changing their eyes to the 8 boys infront of them "finished talking already?" Hyuck ask eyeing them up and down. The blue hair boy quickly slapped the red long hair guy back "err- oh ok erm im taeyong" he awkwardly flashed the girl his smile "hae rin" she smile back when the other start to introduce their self.

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