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'Oh, when I get out, I'm going to kill you all! I'll skin you alive! I'll destroy everything you care about!' Astrid fought against her chains, screaming her head off. Her hair was a mess, and tiredness was clear on her face. She had been fighting for days now.

'Oh, shut up! Screaming won't help us!' Snotlout scowled, hitting his head against the beam behind him. He sat in the next cell along, each prisoner in their own cell. 'We've been here for days. Those people clearly don't want us alive, and pissing them off more isn't going to help.'

'I don't care! I'm going to kill that traitor!'

'No!' The room fell silent at Stoick's shout. 'You're not killing him. It's my fault he's like this. We're going to save him, not hurt him.'

They all knew it was not a good idea to go against what he said but was that idea even possible? 'Stoic... I don't think we can save him. I mean, he clearly doesn't trust us anymore. He turned on you. Maybe it's time to accept we lost him. We lost Hiccup to the Dragon Hunters.'


Ryker's heavy footsteps echoed around the corridor, announcing his approach as he walked into the darkened chamber. 'It's time.' He glanced past the figure, who sighed, pushing himself up.

'Very well.' The figure paused, glancing back at Viggo, sighing as he brushed Viggo's hair back and revealing the clean bandages covering Viggo's ear and cheek, something that didn't stop there and went down past most of his chest. 'Do not worry, Dad. I will avenge you.'

Standing up, the figure grabbed his mask, pulling it down over his face as he walked out. 'I hope you're ready, Stoic. Your so-called little boy has finally come home.' Toothless purred as he walked beside Hiccup, following him through the corridors and towards the holding cells. 'Let's go get some answers.'

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