Part 8~Loki

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Dagur rushed out of the great hall, a frustrated look on his face.

'Dagur, wait.' Astrid chased after him, grabbing him and forcing him to stop. 'You can't rush this. Listen to the chief. If you chase after them now, you'll just get yourself killed.'

'If we wait any longer, we'll lose them.'

'We'll find them again.'

Dagur paused. 'I'm not waiting.' Pulling away, Dagur climbed on Shattermaster's back and took off, following the direction Kaito and Ocean fled in.


Kaito sighed as he sat in the cave. Ocean was staring into the water, watching the fish move, when he charged forward, catching a fish. He let out a squawk as the slippery moss caused him to fall.

Loki laughed as the fish jumped on Ocean's head. Ocean huffed, grabbing the fish again before standing it up and dumping it in a pile next to Hiccup. 'Kaito good?'

Kaito snapped out of his thoughts, shaking his head. 'Yeah, idiot. I'm good.'

'What in brain?' Ocean took a bite out of the fish he caught as Kaito pulled it away from him, stabbing it with a stick and holding it over the fire.

'It's nothing.' Kaito sighed. 'Do you think those people are my family? I know Viggo isn't my actual dad, but... I looked nothing like that brute.'

'I nothing like family.' Ocean paused, poking Kaito. 'Smart. 'Irgo str-strategic. Ryker strong. I not.'

Kaito chuckled a little. 'And that's why you're our heart.'

'Family chosen.'

'Family chosen.' The little mantra was sealed as Kaito handed Ocean back the cooked food. 'We should leave soon. Dad will be going mad.'

'Dad only mad. Family mad.'

'I'm not mad.'

'You extra mad.'


Dagur huffed as Shattermaster landed. He looked around. Shattermaster collapsed as Dagur jumped off. He hesitated, looking around for any signs of the dragon trappers.


Freezing, Dagur turned, looking into the trees, when he spotted the eyes watching him. 'Come out, and I won't hurt you!' Dagur held up the mace as Ocean hopped down, climbing down the trees.

Ocean paused, watching Dagur and tilting his head. 'Go. Leave.'

'I'm not leaving without the chief's son!' Dagur stomped his foot on the ground. 'Give us Hiccup.'

'No Hiccup.'

'Give us Hiccup.'

'No Hiccup. Kaito home.' Ocean huffed, snapping his eyes at Dagur as he frowned.

'You're not great at talking, are you?'

'Ocean talk good. Ocean talk great! Your language weird.' Ocean growled, jumping forward. 'I call Kaito.'

'Why haven't you already?'

'Kaito... Kaito proc-processing. Kaito, no need, pretty boy.'

Dagur froze, blinking. 'What did you just call me?'

'Pretty boy, leave.'

'I'm not leaving with Hiccup.'

Ocean huffed. 'No Hiccup.'

'Just let me talk to him. We're cousins.'

'No Hiccup.'

Dagur gritted his teeth, taking a deep breath. 'Let me talk to Kaito.'

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