Part 12~Heather

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Ocean stopped, jumping into the dragon cells. The blue steal captured the dragons as they jumped up.

The dragon riders rushed forward happily, calling to their dragons.

'We go. Guards soon.' Ocean pulled at Dagur's arm as he nodded.

'Can your dragons blast out?'

'Dragon proof.' Ocean tapped the metal as Dagur hummed. He looked around, finding the keys as he helped them out. Ocean froze, tapping Dagur's back.

No one was paying attention, too focused on reclaiming their dragons.

'Pretty boy!' Ocean stomped his foot as Dagur turned. 'Toothless.' Ocean pointed into the darkness as the Nightfury jumped out.

The riders gulped, stepping back.

Ocean carefully stood in front of the others, speaking out his words in dragon. 'What do you want?'

Toothless met Ocean's gaze, speaking back carefully. 'You should not have come back. Kaito knows you're a traitor.'

'Kaito is the traitor.'

Screams echoed down the corridor as Toothless looked behind him. 'He is hurt. If he sees you, he will do something he will reject. Go before he has another body.' Toothless stepped back as Ocean bit his lip.

'Dad- what happened to him?'

Toothless sighed. 'Viggo is with the gods.' Toothless ran off, leaving Ocean behind.

Ocean stopped responding. He barely registered Dagur pulling him on a dragon or going into the sky. He watched the fire encase his home and registered none of it.


Stoic snuck closer to the edge of the cave tunnel as Heather stepped out of the other side. 'Hey, boys.'

The guards gasped, running forward. They didn't get to Heather as Stoic knocked them out. He took the bludgeon from the ground, handing the spear to Heather as she nodded.

They approached the door, pushing it open carefully.

The long corridor was lit by glowing amber. Fireworms scuttled along the ceiling and running away. Stoic shared a look with Heather as they entered. Their footsteps echoed off the floor, bouncing around the stone walls.

'Can you be quieter?' Heather glared at Stoic as he huffed.

'I'm a Viking; I'm not known for being sneaky.'

Heather rolled her eyes as they drew closer to the end of the corridor. The light grew brighter as a voice echoed around the room.

'The ships are ready. By tomorrow, the last of the dragons will be gone. I've already found a new home.' Kaito paused, sighing. 'Ocean hasn't come home. What if the girl was right? What if he left us. After everything we did.' Kaito tightened his fists before he paused; he looked over Viggo's body. 'You're getting weaker. The healer says you have only a few days at most. I'm sorry. I failed you. We all failed you.'

'Kaito,' Ryker stopped as Kaito glared at him. 'There are intruders.'

'I am aware, but until they move, I shall stay by my dad's side.'

Stoic stood up, walking in calmly. 'Your father attacked Berk.'

'You kidnapped me.'

'You kidnapped thousands of dragons,' Heather interrupted.

'You killed thousands of Dragon Trappers.'

'Your Dragon Trappers attacked us,' Stoic announced as Kaito shrugged.

'You attacked us first. We were happy before your self-righteous group decided to interfere.'

'You were killing dragons,' Heather screamed as Kaito rolled his eyes.

'You kill yak and sheep and chicken. You killed dragons before.'

'We have learnt since then.' Stoic crossed his arms as Kaito held up his hand.

He placed a hand on Viggo's chest. The chest didn't raise. Kaito sighed, pulling the cover over Viggo's body. 'You should leave. I have no use for you anymore. You're only getting one chance.'

Neither Stoic nor Heather moved.

Kaito picked up the swords, holding them at his side. 'Then today shall be your last.'

Ryker stood beside Kaito as Stoic gripped his sword. 'I want to believe there is good in you, but it is clear all that was once good has been burnt away.'

'And whose fault was that.' Kaito charged, slicing down as Stoic blocked. Ryker charged from the side, stopping as Heather held up her spear.

Heather pushed back, stabbing forward with her spear. Ryker snarled, parring with Heather as he stepped back. Stoic struggled as Kaito sliced his weapon into three even pieces. Heather gasped, kicking Ryker into the back wall and taking his sword.

'Chief!' Heather threw the spear as Stoic growled.

'You really think this stick is going to keep up with his flaming swords!'

Heather chuckled, sweeping Kaito's foot from under him. He jumped back up, ducking past Heather's attack. Stoic charged, trying to hit Kaito as he jumped to the side, avoiding the bed where Viggo lay.

Heather pushed forward more, backing Kaito into a corner as she threw one of his swords to the side. 'My name is Heather the Berserker. You killed my dragon. Prepare to die.'

'No.' Kaito kicked Heather's foot, sending her tumbling to the floor; he grabbed Stoic, pushing him around as he threw him over his shoulder. Stoic groaned as Ryker grabbed him, holding him in a chokehold. 'You should have run when you had the chance.'

Heather backed away as Kaito held his sword. Heather gasped, feeling the sword hit the palm of her hand. Grabbing it, she sliced forward, cutting Kaito's arm clear off.

Kaito screamed, catching Ryker's attention. Heather held the sword over Kaito's head, striking down as Ryker stopped her, throwing her to the side.


Heather screamed as she held her leg. Sleuther and Loki roared, filling the room with fire. Stoic gasped, picking Heather up. 'No, I need to finish it.'

'You need to live.' Stoic pushed Heather on Sleuther's back before climbing on Loki.

'Stop it. Kill them.' Kaito pushed Ryker away from him.

'You're hurt.'

'I don't care.' Kaito grabbed his weapon, charging as Loki whimpered, shaking his head. He shot Kaito back, throwing him against the wall before turning and fleeing.

Smoke rose higher as the fire encased Viggo's body. Ryker carried Kaito out, not trying to stop the chief.

Reaching the surface, Ryker could see Stoic and Heather catching up with the other prisoners.

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