Part 2~Stormfly

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Hiccup blinked up in confusion. 'Astrid?! What are you doing?!'

Astrid glared at Hiccup, an angry expression on her face. 'What am I doing?! I'm not the one who's been sneaking around and hiding stuff from the village. Pretending that you're still hurt when you're clearly fine.' Astrid grabbed Hiccup's chest, causing him to groan painfully. Had she not seen him reapplying the bandages?!

'I am still hurt,' Hiccup grumbled defensively, pushing Astrid away.

'Just stop lying, Hiccup! Tell me what you are doing?!' Astrid pointed her axe at Hiccup's neck, causing him to gulp in fear.

Astrid couldn't believe this. Not only was Hiccup hiding something, but he also had the audacity to keep lying after she found him out. Well, Astrid Hofferson wasn't a quitter, and she was going to find out exactly what Hiccup was hiding.

Exploring the cove, she ignored Hiccup's rantings. She approached the cave at the side of the wall, her senses sharpening when she spotted it. 'Night Fury! Get down!' Astrid tackled Hiccup, pushing him to the ground. She jumped up, lifting her axe, ready to strike down the Toothless, who roared in panic.

Toothless charged forward, his teeth snapping out. Hiccup's eyes widened. He jumped up, grabbing Astrid's axe and sliding it to the side. 'No! It's okay! He's a friend!' Hiccup stepped between Toothless and Astrid, holding up his hands as a sign of peace. Toothless tried to push past Hiccup, who did his best to hold him back. 'You scared him.'

'I scared him! Who is him?' Astrid looked between Hiccup and Toothless, confusion in her eyes.

'Astrid, Toothless. Toothless, Astrid.' Hiccup gestured between the two. Neither was impressed. Astrid looked at him as if he was crazy before running away. 'Dadada, we're dead.' Toothless grumbled, walking back to his cave. 'And where are you going?'


Toothless soared over the treetops, easily tracking Astrid, who ran on foot. 'There she is!' Toothless dipped down, picking up Astrid and climbing back into the air. Astrid screamed, fighting against Toothless, making Hiccup cringe. Toothless dropped Astrid on the top of a tree.

'Hiccup! Get me down from here!'

'Not until you let me explain.' Hiccup didn't know why he ever thought that would work on Astrid Hofferson.

'I'm not listening to anything you have to say!' Astrid kicked and failed about angrily, trying to fight back.

'Fine, then let me show you.' Hiccup offered out his hand as Astrid pulled herself up. She slapped away Hiccup's hand, swinging her leg over Toothless's back. 'Okay, get me down from here.'

Letting out a small sigh of relief, Hiccup turned to Toothless, ordering him to set them down gently. Naturally, Toothless was in a mood, and this was the last thing he did. He took off into the sky, charging through the sky and sea, spinning and diving and doing everything possible to make this flight uncomfortable.

'Alright! I'm sorry. Just please stop.' Astrid hid in Hiccup's back, shaking in fear. Toothless glanced up, smiling as he opened his wings. Their flight suddenly became smoother, rising calmly. Astrid laughed with a wide grin as she played with the clouds. 'Okay, I'll admit it, this is amazing. He's amazing.' Astrid rubbed the top of Toothless's head, causing him to purr.

Hiccup smiled, glad neither of them was in danger anymore. Toothless was about to take them home when he heard something. A small squeak echoed out. Toothless stopped, looking around wildly. 'Hey, bud? You alright?'

Hiccup screamed as Toothless dived, charging through the sea stacks until he almost crashed into one. Astrid let out a scream as Toothless landed. Hiccup cautiously climbed off Toothless, looking around for whatever drew Toothless here.


Hiccup spun around, seeing Astrid staring straight at a Deadly Nadder. The poor creature was badly hurt, and yet she stood up and readied her spins. 'Astrid, back up. She's hurt, and that makes her dangerous. We need to make her feel more comfortable.' Astrid nodded, stepping back, her foot landing on a twig that snapped loudly.

The dragon squawked, spinning and shooting at Astrid. Hiccup tackled her to the ground, avoiding the dangerous spikes. Toothless roared, shooting at the Nadder's foot. She tried to defend herself, but she had no energy left. She collapsed to the ground, winning painfully.

'Oh, the poor thing. She's hurt.' Astrid ran past Hiccup- despite his protest- and knelt beside the Deadly Nadder. She ran her hand over the Nader's light blue scales, wincing when she spotted the deep scars going down her body. 'We have to help her.'

Sighing, Hiccup nodded, climbing back on Toothless's back. 'Fine. We'll take her back to the cove.'

Astrid climbed onto Toothless, who lifted the Nadder and carried her back home.


'Be careful. She's still not used to people yet.' Hiccup carefully led Astrid into the cave. The Nadder screeched in fear, causing Astrid to flinch.

'Hey, it's okay. I brought some chicken.' Astrid held out the chicken, instantly gaining the dragon's attention. She was hesitant at first but accepted the food. The Nadder hummed in delight, seeming to like the food.

'Good, now hold out her hand and turn away. Let her choose to come to you.'

Astrid nodded, stretching out. She gasped when she felt the Nadder press against her palm. 'Hey there.'

'Why don't you give her a name?'



Astrid ran to the forge, a panicked expression on her face. 'Hiccup!'

Hiccup raised his eyebrow at Astrid, confused. 'What's wrong?'

'I got first place in dragon training.'


Hiccup sighed as he strapped the bags to Toothless's side. He needed to stop Astrid from killing the Monstrous Nightmare; there was only one way he could do that. He was going to kill the Queen.

Shooting into the sky, Toothless took Hiccup to the island. The fight begins tonight.


Toothless screeched in horror as Hiccup was thrown off his back. He flapped his wings wildly, trying to reach Hiccup in time.


Blinking his eyes open, Hiccup groaned, his head screaming.

'Ah, you're awake. We were getting worried.'

Hiccup rubbed his head in confusion. 'What's going on? Who are you?'

'I am Viggo Grimborn, this is my brother Ryker. But our question is, who are you?'

'I... I don't remember. Who am I?'

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