Part 6~Dagur

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Many, many years before that event on the ship, Berk was in ruin. The disappearance of the heir and sudden stop in dragon attacks left the town confused and without an identity or cause to get behind.

Astrid watched her beloved home fall apart in front of her, sneaking down to the cove whenever she had the chance, waiting for Hiccup to resurface. She would not believe Hiccup was dead.

Squawking, Stormfly nudged Astrid's side, pulling her out of her thoughts. 'Alright, alright. We'll go for a fly.' Grabbing Stormfly's horn, she pulled herself onto Stormfly's back. Taking off into the night sky, she grinned.

They looped around the darkness, screaming into the clouds and enjoying the fresh air that can only be gained from being with a dragon.

'This is the life, and when Hiccup returns, everyone will know it.' Leaning on Stormfly's head, she closed her eyes, breathing a sigh of relief.

Yelping, she grabbed onto Stormfly's horns, pulling herself back onto the saddle. 'What's wrong, girl?' Glancing around the darkness, Astrid froze. 'Oh no. Come on, back to the cove.' Turning around, they dived into the cove as Astrid jumped off. 'I'll be back in a bit, I promise.'

Petting Stormfly's head, Astrid sighed and ran out of the cove, making it back to town in record time.

'Chief! Chief!' Astrid burst into the great hall, silencing the conversation that had been flying around it and stopping people mid-meal. 'I saw an armada approaching from the north side of the island.'

The crowd gasped, looking around in fear, but Stoic said nothing.

'Chief! They will be here any minute!'

Still, Stoic said nothing. He stared off into the distance. Gobber sighed, stepping forward. 'Everyone to battle stations! Ready your weapons!' Jumping up, the Vikings followed orders as Astrid nodded, charging back out when a hook caught on her shirt. 'Not you, lass. You and the rest of the young one will stay here until it is safe.'

'What?! I'm not backing down from a fight!' Astrid stomped her foot as Gobber sighed.

'I know you're not. But someone needs to look after the young and the pregnant. You lot stand a better chance of being able to protect them than we will, so stay.' Gobber put Astrid down, walking through the door as Astrid screamed.

'Yeah, that was not fair,' Ruff grumbled, crossing her arms.

'Yeah! We demand to be allowed to fight,' Tuff agreed, raising his axe.

'This is all stupid anyway.' Snotlout stormed off as Astrid grumbled, sneaking out of the hall.

'I'm not backing down. I'm going to protect us all.' Jumping into the cove, she grinned, seeing Stormfly. 'I'm okay, girl, but I need your help. Our island is under attack. I can't let them destroy my home.'

Stormfly blinked before roaring.

'Woah! What are you doing? You're going to get us caught!' Astrid tried to stop Stormfly, but soon her wishes to do so vanished. Dragons gathered around the cove, staring at her. 'Amazing. You never cease to amaze me, girl.' Rubbing Stormfly's side, she grinned.

'Shut the front door! How did you do that?!' Snotlout stared in shock, the others behind him.

'You shouldn't be here.' Astrid stepped in front of Stormfly protectively as she wrapped her tail around Astrid.

'But how are you able to control them,' Fishlegs muttered, staring in wonder.

'You can't control them. It's a bond.' Astrid crossed her arms. 'Now, out of my way. We're going to protect our home.' Pulling herself onto Stormfly's back, Astrid readied to take flight.

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