Part 9~Windshear

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Dagur gasped as he returned to Berk. The place was covered in fire. Smoke rose in the sky as the armada sprayed cannon fire across the island. The Vikings fled, grabbing their weapons and their dragons and taking to the sky.

Armoured dragons hit them back down, throwing them into the traps. Astrid charged through the sky, shooting at the dragons with Stormfly when the net wrapped around her. Astrid fell from Stomrfly's back as Dagur shot forward, catching her just in time.

'Good of you to join us. Where have you been?'

'I found Hiccup; let's just say he wasn't in a talking mood.' Dipping down, Shattermaster shot at Stormfly's restraints, letting Stormfly escape. She took to the sky as Astrid hopped back on her.

'We're outnumbered.'

'I noticed. I had no idea the Dragon Tappers could control dragons. I thought that was something only Hiccup and Ocean could do.'

'Well, clearly, there are more.'

Soaring down, Astrid and Dagur landed in front of the great hall. Stoic was standing with his people, giving them his orders. 'Ruff, Tuff, take the children and elders through the tunnels. Keep them safe. Fishlegs, you're in charge of the baby dragons.'

Fishlegs nodded, loading Meatlug up with baby dragons.

'Dagur, can you get a message to your people and ask them for help?'

Dagur nodded. 'The entire Berserker armada is at your side. Heather, can you contact the Outcasts?'

Heather nodded as she brought out the parchment, handing one to Dagur.

'Astrid, gather the remaining dragon riders and try to take down as many of the dragons as you can.'

Astrid nodded at Stoic's order. 'Snotlout, come. Dagur, Heather, join me in the sky once you can. Fishlegs, don't follow us. Stay with the young, old and injured. You three are the last defence. Don't screw this up.'

Fishlegs nodded as he and the twins left.

Astrid took to the sky as Stormfly let out a roar. Wild dragons flew up, making a formation around Astrid as she shot at the dragons.

They began to move, charging to meet the dragons. Astrid grinned, throwing a dragon to the side and making a clear path for the terrible terrors to escape through.

'Everyone hold the dragons off the village until backup arrives.' Astrid held up her axe, jumping from dragon to dragon and throwing the riders off. 'Aim for the riders. Not all dragons are here willingly. Scare them off.' Astrid jumped back on Stormfly's back as she blasted the sky, scaring the dragons away.

Before the dragons even left the island, a roar echoed. The dragons stopped, turning back and rejoining the fight.

'Dagur!' Astrid turned, looking at Dagur. 'Find the source of that roar. Maybe if we take it out, we can get rid of these dragons.'

Dagur nodded, changing direction as Heather tailed him.

Vikings fought the Dragon Trappers. Bodies and blood covered the once-beautiful landscape. They stopped at the cliff, looking over the ships. The roar echoed out again as Dagur nodded to his sister. They swooped down, landing on the ship.

At the front, two figures stood, a dragon as black as the sky standing between them.

Heather brought out her axe as Dagur readied his mace. They stepped closer as Viggo chuckled. 'And here I was expecting the blond one.'

Toothless snarled, spinning around.

'Leave now, and we will spare your life.'

Viggo hummed, brushing his hand across Toothless's spine. 'As tempting as that offer is, we're not going anywhere. You took something of mine, and I will burn your island for it.'

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