Epilogue~Dragon Master

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Ocean sat at the cliff's edge, staring over Berk and into the sea. Loki garbled, nuzzling into his side.

'Are you leaving?'

Ocean lifted his head, turning to face Dagur. 'Don't know. No home.'

'And here I thought you would run to that dragon paradise.'

'Not home. No alone.'

Dagur smiled softly. 'No one wants to be alone. Not really.'

Ocean leaned into Dagur's side. 'Dagur go home?'

'I don't know. Heather is obsessed with chasing Hiccup.'

'Follow Flower?'

'She's my sister. I can't leave her. Especially against Hiccup... No offence.'

'Not Kaito. Ocean follow?'

'You want to join us? Why?'

Ocean blinked. 'Pretty boy friend.'

Dagur coughed, blushing. 'I'm sorry, what?'

Ocean tilted his head. 'Friend. Pretty boy friend.'

'Stop.' Dagur covered Ocean's mouth as he struggled. 'Just stop.'

Ocean looked more confused as Loki lifted his head. 'You for sure got yourself a pretty boyfriend.'

Ocean looked at Loki as he blushed, the realisation finally dawning. 'Sorry. Pretty boy is friend. That what mean.'

Dagur chuckled, scratching the back of his head. 'Let's get to know each other first.'

Ocean blinked. 'Court Pretty boy?'

Dagur blushed harder.

Ocean beamed. 'Court Pretty boy! Ocean stay.' Ocean grinned brighter than anything Dagur had seen before.

'I'm glad you're staying.' Dagur stood up, holding out a hand. 'Let's go. We have an adventure to prepare for.'

Ocean smiled, taking the hand and letting Dagur pull him away.


Heather stood in front of the others. 'I know I am asking a lot. But these Dragon Trappers went too far, and they will not stop with us. We must go out there and defeat them before they can destroy the rest of us.'

The crowd stayed quiet.

'We will follow you.' Astrid stepped forward, her eye covered in the eyepatch. The riders of Berk nodded behind her.

'Thank you.' Heather walked to Astrid, taking her hands.

'We will find Hiccup, and he will pay for everything he has done.'

Dagur walked closer, placing a hand on Heather's shoulder. 'We're behind you, sister. To the edge and back.'

Ocean let out a garble of something in dragon tongue as he grinned.

Heather climbed on Sleuther's back as the rest got ready. 'I will avenge you, my old friend.' Heather let out a soft sigh, looking at the grave of her friend. Her leg was still in a cast, but she was not waiting. Who said you needed two feet to fight?


Ryker hesitated before he walked out. The ship sailed, joining the others, and Kaito sat at the front, dangling his legs over the edge. 'Should we head to the new island?'

'You let them live. Why?' Kaito didn't stop as he installed the new prosthetic on his arm.

Ryker blinked. 'You would have died if I had gone after them.'

'That was not your concern. Toothless would have saved me.' Kaito picked up the sword that had once belonged to his father. He had changed it, adapting it for the prosthetic as he slid it in.

Ryker snarled. 'Listen here, brat! I let you live, but only because my brother saw something in you! He's not here to protect you anymore-" The sword clicked into place as Kaito swung his hand back, cutting straight through Ryker's neck.

For a second, he stayed up before his knees buckled, and he fell to the deck, his head rolling off and falling into the sea.

Kaito stood up, looking at the body. 'Thank you for your service.' Pushing the body into the water, Kaito cleared the blade, walking down the ship. 'Because of Ryker, the Dragon riders will be chasing us. There is only one place we'll be safe.'

Kaito held up the strange cylinder as Toothless opened his mouth, sending the purple light through it. The map glowed in the fog.

'We're going outside the fog.'

Kaito pulled the mask on his face as his crew grinned, ready to follow their commander. Their Dragon Master. 

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