Part 10~Sleuther

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'Oh, when I get out, I'm going to kill you all! I'll skin you alive! I'll destroy everything you care about!' Astrid fought against her chains, screaming her head off. Her hair was a mess, and tiredness was clear on her face. She had been fighting for days now.

'Oh, shut up! Screaming won't help us!' Snotlout scowled, hitting his head against the beam behind him. 'We've been here for days; those people clearly don't want us alive, and pissing them off more isn't going to help.'

'I don't care! I'm going to kill that traitor!'

'No!' The room fell silent at Stoick's shout. 'You're not killing him. It's my fault he's like this. We're going to save him, not hurt him.'

They all knew it was not a good idea to go against what he said but was that idea even possible. 'Stoic... I don't think we can save him. I mean, he clearly doesn't trust us anymore. He turned on you. Maybe it's time to accept we lost him. We lost Hiccup to the Dragon Hunters.'


Dagur groaned as he woke up. Shattermaster grumbled, his wing wrapped in a cast. That was new. 'Hello? Who's there?'

The Berserker warriors lifted their heads in confusion, spotting the various casts that had been put on their legs. 'What's going on?'

Dagur stood up, carefully walking to the front of the cave. He had no clue where he was, but dragons flew across the island, roaring in a peaceful symphony. Dagur spun, looking up as he spotted the familiar figure. 'It's you?'

Ocean looked down a shy smile on his face.

'Where are we?'

'Home... Home home.' Ocean jumped down, landing beside Dagur. 'Loki home.'

Dagur gasped; he understood. 'This is where you grew up?'

Ocean nodded. Other Hobblegrunts ran about the area, knowing their way around their home. 'Home home. Ship sinking. Bring ship here. Ship gone.'

Dagur sighed softly. 'Thank you. For healing us too.'


'Yes. We were hurt. You did a good job stopping us from being hurt.'

Ocean beamed. 'I good at stopping hurt. Kaito taught me.' Ocean paused, his expression falling. 'Kaito gone.'

Dagur gulped, paling dramatically. 'What do you mean?'

'Family gone.'

'Did they... die?'

"Irgo with gods, I think. Kaito gone.'

Dagur frowned. 'I don't understand.'

'Kaito brain gone. Not Kaito anymore.'

Dagur narrowed his eyes. He couldn't remember much about the fight. 'You mean, Kaito lost himself.'

'Not Kaito anymore.'

Dagur hesitated, fidgeting. 'Why did you help us?'

'Pretty boy... Pretty boy talk to Ocean. Only Kaito talk to Ocean before. Only two bothered. Kaito told me make friend. Ocean made friend.' Ocean looked at Dagur hopefully as Dagur smiled.

'Yeah, you made a friend.' Dagur paused. 'You know, I have to fight him. I can't let him continue to terrorise people.'

'Not Kaito anymore. Not-Kaito need be stopped. Not-Kaito need Pretty Boy. Ocean need Pretty boy.'

Dragon smiled, standing up. 'Good. How do we do that?'

Ocean grinned, jumping up and roaring into the sky. The forest moved aside as the dragon charged forward.

Dagur gulped. 'Oh dear.'


Dagur struggled as he gripped the dragon. The Triple Strike, Sleuther, took no notice of his struggle as he flew on. Ocean kept close to Loki as they grew closer to the island.

'Aim for the tunnel. We should be able to sneak onto the island without being spotted.' Dagur pointed at the tunnel as Ocean nodded. They flew closer, shooting into the tunnel and soaring around the tunnels.

Dagur smiled, approaching the tunnel leading to the main hall. Pulling, Dagur froze.

Sleuther dropped to the ground, letting out a whine as Ocean spotted behind him. 'What's wrong.'

Dagur jumped off the Sleuther, walking closer, horror gripping his soul. 'How could they do a thing?'

The tunnel was covered in bodies. Blood dripped off the walls, burn marks covering the dirt.

'No...' Ocean slid off Loki's back, stepping closer as he looked over the bodies. 'No children.'

Dagur nodded. 'No children. Let's move. We'll bury them later.'

Ocean frowned, not moving. 'Not-Kaito do this. Not-Kaito bad.'

'We'll stop him. Don't worry.'

Ocean walked closer to a body, closing his eyes. 'They with gods now.'

Dagur smiled. 'They're with the gods. Let's go.' Dagur took Ocean's hand, pulling him up and to the exit. He jumped out, looking around. The island wasn't in any better state. Bodies were scattered around the burnt and bloodied space. 'No! Windshear!'

Charging across the area, Dagur slid beside Windshear. Her body was long cold.


Ocean whined. 'Flower escaped. Kaito attack.'

Dagur blinked, whipping his eyes. 'Flower?'

Ocean frowned, his eyes narrowing. 'Flower. Your family.'

Dagur gasped, sitting up. 'Heather? Heather escaped.'

'Angry one save her. Flower safe.'

Dagur sighed in relief. 'Good. Now, let's find the others.' Dagur jumped on the Sleuther's back as they took off.

The entire island was abandoned except for the bodies.

'I don't get it; where are they?'

'They go home.' Ocean frowned.

'Great. The one place no one in either tribe has ever been.'

'I lead. I take to home.' Ocean turned, flying off before Dagur could say anything.

'I hope the others are okay.'

'They be alive.'


'Alive.' Ocean pushed on, making Dagur trail behind.


Kaito sighed, staring at Viggo. He was covered in bandages, surrounding his body more than his healthy skin. Viggo hasn't awakened since he was brought off the battlefield. His breath laboured and faint. He was so close to leaving them.

Ryker's heavy footsteps echoed around the corridor, announcing his approach as he walked into the darkened chamber. 'It's time.' He glanced past Kaito, who sighed, pushing himself up.

'Very well.' Kaito paused, glancing back at Viggo, sighing as he brushed Viggo's hair back. 'Do not worry, Dad. I will avenge you.' Standing up, Kaito grabbed his mask, pulling it down over his face as he walked out. 'I hope you're ready, Stoic. Your so-called little boy has finally come home.'

Toothless purred as he walked beside Kaito, following him through the corridors and towards the holding cells.

'Let's go get some answers.'

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