Part 4~Viggo

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Viggo spun in panic. Kaito was staring at him, stepping back in fear. 'Kaito? What are you doing here? You should be resting.' Viggo tried to remain calm, but he didn't want to be in this situation. It wasn't like he cared about the boy, but he wasn't heartless, and he didn't fancy chopping off Kaito's head.

'What are you doing to him? What do you mean by sell? Why would you hurt him?!" Kaito shook, his breath coming out in fast whispers. This could not be happening. No way was this happening.

'Kaito, look at me. This thing, this beast, he hurt you. That scar on your chest was from a plasma blast. Only night furies can produce a plasma blast.' Viggo knelt beside Kaito, holding up his hands to make himself seem less threatening.

'But... but he's my friend!' Kaito stomped his foot on the ground before pausing. '...He's my friend....'

The dragon coed, his eyes begging for Kaito's help. Kaito reached out his hand, gasping when he felt the dragon lift up his head to press against it. Kaito ran his fingers down the black scales, smiling as he removed the muscle. The dragon jumped up, licking Kaito's face. Laughing, Kaito tried to fight off the dragon whose tail wagged like a large dog.

Viggo raised his eyebrow as he watched the two. It was clear they had a deep bond even though Kaito barely remembered anything. Stepping closer, Viggo cautiously grabbed the metal latch and pulled it up.

Instantly, the dragon attacked Kaito and pinned him to the ground.

'It appears I was wrong.' Viggo ran a hand down the dragon's body. Kaito smiled brightly, hugging the dragon cheerfully.

'His name shall be Toothless.'


'I cannot believe you!' Ryker slammed his hand down on the table, messing up Viggo's maces and talons board. 'That night fury is more valuable than most of our stock, but you're willing to let it go for some kid you met only a few hours ago?!'

Viggo sighed heavily, standing up and walking past him. 'Maybe if you were capable of seeing the big picture, you would understand. Kaito has a bond with the dragon. He could be a greater ally than anyone else in the archipelago. Give me a week to get Kaito hunting. If I fail, you can kill the dragon, and we'll dump Kaito on the next island.'

Ryker spun, getting in Viggo's face. 'If you fail, we kill the boy too.' Ryker stormed out as Viggo's eyes darkened.

He stepped out, walking to the temporary room he had given Kaito. The boy was sleeping in a small ball. The dragon curled around him. Toothless watched Viggo, who held up his hands as a sign of peace. He sat beside Kaito, running a hand through Kaito's hair. 'It appears my brother doesn't like you. Don't worry. I won't let him hurt you.'

Standing up, Viggo took a seat by the door, watching over Kaito, his sword in his hand.


Kaito groaned as he woke up. He smiled at Toothless, whose wing acted as a blanket. He cautiously climbed over Toothless's leg and hopped on the floor. He rubbed the top of Toothless's head before looking around the room, spotting Viggo. He snickered slightly, approaching as quietly as he could. He took a deep breath, planning on waking Viggo up, when Viggo jumped up and grabbed him.

'If you plan on sneaking up on me, we should get some oil on that leg of yours.' Viggo chuckled, ruffling Kaito's hair. 'Come on. We shall start your training today.'

Kaito tilted his head at Toothless, looking over his shoulder. 'Any idea what he's talking about?' Toothless shrugged- or as close as a dragon could- before following Viggo.


Kaito let out a scream, ducking under the sword. 'Stay calm, Kaito. The sword is an extension of yourself. Use it.' Viggo swung his sword at Kaito, who dodged, swinging out his foot. 'Now you're getting it. Think about your moves. Plan three moves ahead. Predict your opponent.' Viggo lunged forward, his sword sliding over Kaito's shoulder. Kaito took the opportunity to jab his sword upwards and against Viggo's neck.

Viggo smirked, dropping his sword as a sign of defeat. Kaito relaxed, breathing heavily as he threw his head back. 'Are we done yet?'

'Yes, I believe we are. Come with me.' Viggo picked up his sword, sheathing it over his shoulder. Toothless yawned, pushing himself up and stretching. He followed behind as they followed Viggo deep into the ship.

'Why are we going to the forge?' Kaito tilted his head. In the last few days since he had woken up, he had grown used to the ship layout and knew exactly where everything was.

'It's a surprise.' Kaito shared a look with Toothless, who was just as clueless. Viggo pulled open the door, walking into the forge. Most ships weren't equipped with forges, but he found it useful when not on business. 'It's over here.' Viggo pulled a large cloth off the project. Kaito's eyes widened as he gasped and ran his fingers down the items.

'Is that...?'

'We found it with you, but it was badly damaged. Now it's repaired. You should be able to use it.'

Kaito wasted no time pulling the item off and strapping Toothless up. Kaito swung his leg over Toothless, taking a seat in the saddle. The leather had been dyed black to melt in better. Bags hung under the saddle, an unfamiliar symbol printed on in red. Kaito smiled as his leg clipped into place.

'Of course, we made some alterations for your leg, and the colour is more practical.'

'It's amazing.' Toothless gave a gummy smile, launching forward and bouncing around. Viggo ducked as Toothless bounded out the door. Panic rose in his veins as he charged after the two. Toothless was running to the edge of the ship. Kaito leaned forward as Toothless jumped off the edge. Kaito moved his foot just before they hit the sea, and Toothless's fin snapped open. They soared through the sky as one, racing and spinning and climbing high through the clouds.

Kaito's heart hammered against his chest. He remembered this feeling. He didn't know where he did it or when, but he's flown with Toothless before. He's flown just like this. Toothless roared in success, shooting out in front of them and frying the edges of Kaito's hair, causing him to chuckle.

'It looks like your little friend has taken the dragon and fled. I would act surprised if this were at all surprising.' Ryker smirked proudly, glancing over his fingers smugly.

'Just wait.' Viggo looked back to the sky when his eyes caught the black blur tumbling towards the ship. Kaito and Toothless flew above the ship before circling once more and landing on the deck. Viggo gave Ryker a smirk, clearly boasting that he was right and Ryker was wrong as he looked over at Kaito. 'Having fun?'

'The best. I forgot how much I enjoyed that.' Kaito jumped off Toothless, who purred as Kaito scratched his chin.

'Well, you'll be able to fly a lot more. We've had to change course to complete a business transition. We would love for you to come with us.'

Kaito glanced through his hair, eyes sparkling. 'Really? I won't let you down!'

'Don't worry. I know you won't.'

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