Part 11~Astrid

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The door slid open as Kaito walked in. 'Now, this can go one of two ways. You either answer all our questions without pissing me off, or I'll force them out.' Kaito took a chair out, sitting in front of Astrid. 'You made a big mistake killing my father.'

'That man is not your father,' Astrid dropped as the sword was pointed at her throat.

'Choose your words carefully. I have many other prisoners I can interrogate. How about I go for the girl next? I don't think it'll take much to break her after the death of her dragon.'

Astrid gasped. 'Don't touch her!'

'Then I suggest you answer my questions. Why do you call me Hiccup?'

'Because that's your name. We were friends. You showed me how to train dragons. You were there when I met Stormfly. We are friends.'

'We are not friends. Why did you kidnap me?'

'We wanted to help you. We wanted you to remember us.'

'I don't. I also don't believe you. Where are the rest of you?'

'I don't know.'

'You lie. Where did you send the rest?'

'They're not a threat to you. They are just children.'

Kaito paused. 'Children grow up. Don't worry, we won't hurt them.'

'Yeah, the sword to my throat really gives that impression.'

'We don't hurt children. We give them homes. Where is my brother?'

Astrid frowned. 'Who?'

'Ocean. About this high, black hair, walks on all fours, talks in two-word sentences.' Kaito waved roughly as Astrid gasped.

She grinned. 'He left you. He told you not to fight, and when you did, he abandoned you.'

'You lie! You took him.'

'He left. He saw home evil you are, and he left.'

Kaito snarled, standing up as Astrid spoke again.

'What will you do with us?'

'You'll be sacrificed.'

'What?!" All three voices bounced around the cells.

'You all will be sacrificed to the gods, and I pray for the safe recovery of my dad. My real dad.' Kaito stood up, walking out. 'And we will find your young. They will become Trappers and be raised in the family.'

'Whatever you have is not a family. It's why your so-called brother left you.' Astrid screamed as Kaito sliced through her eye.

'Guards, make sure she doesn't die.'


Ocean fidgeted as they grew closer to the island. 'We go through cave.' Ocean pointed into the sea as Dagur nodded, taking a deep breath.

Sleuther and Loki dived, easily swimming into the cove. Scauldrons turned, facing the newcomers but doing nothing. Too many were injured from the battle to care. Loki led Sleuther through the cave mouth and up into the air pocket.

Dagur coughed as he pulled himself to the ground. The cave was covered in glowing blue gems, and a series of fireworm dragons scuttled about the ceiling, weaving through the gems.

'This place is beautiful.' Dagur spun around as Ocean smiled.

'Breeding caves. Tidal dragons lay here. Not breeding season. Caves empty.' Ocean walked to one of the exits, pointing in. 'Cells this way.'

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