She's hot! pt 3

637 14 1

Dear diary,
This is day one in the Safe Haven. By the time we got here, there were already massive tents set up and a farm. There are also hammocks and little shacks. It's on a beach so it's really pretty. I've only been here a few hours and I feel comfortable. I just finished getting my scratches and stuff fixed up. That picture of Kaleb and I, it's still surprisingly intact. His jacket not so much, but it's nothing I can't fix. Kaleb's ring is still safe around my neck. Thomas is still knocked out, I hope he'll live. I haven't spoken to Minho yet. I'll probably wait a few more hours. I want to give him the journal but I'm worried of what would happen. Maybe he won't like me back. It'll be fine though, there's always more guys I can meet. What if Minho doesn't want to talk to me? We hit it off when we first met, but it's been six months.


I put my notebook and pen into my jacket pocket then took out my journal, the one with the letters. I sat there, journal in hand, and looked to Minho. He was far off the in the distance by the campfire. I was sitting comfortably in a hammock not wanting to be seen by him. I started to think about how Minho would react to it. Should I sit by him while he reads it? It was then when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

"You gonna give it to him?" It was Frypan. He sat onto the hammock next to mine, keeping his hand on my shoulder.

"I don't know." I looked Frypan in the eyes. "I was so ready to give it to him, but now, now I feel like I can't do it. Newt was the one telling me I could do it. But now he isn't here." My voice cracked at the last word. Frypan sighed.

"You're right, he isn't here. But I am, I can help you too Y/n. He wasn't the only one rooting for you and Minho. I was there too, and I can confidently say that no matter what, you will get through it." I smiled at Frypan then hugged him. He hugged me back.


After sitting in silence, I finally got the courage to give the journal to Minho. I got up from my hammock and walked towards the fireless campfire, to Minho.

"Mind if I sit here?" I asked pointing at the area next to Minho.

"No." He turned his body slightly to face me. I sat in the seat then turned to him as well. Looking into his eyes for the first time in months felt surreal. I felt tears brimming my eyes. "Are you okay?" Minho asked me. I nodded and chuckled a bit.

"I uh, I wanted to give you this." I put in front of him the journal. It had grown in size because of all the pages I had written in. He took the journal from me and looked at my face again.

"What is this?" I took a deep breath before explaining it all.

"Well, when you were taken, I decided to write to you. I wrote to you everyday since the second week you were gone, in this journal." I could tell he was confused. "It's all in there, how I felt that certain day and everything else."

"You wrote to me everyday?" I nodded at him. He nodded a little then opened the journal to read the first entry.


Day 15 letter 1
Dear Minho,
How are you? I've been doing okay. I know you may never get to read this, but if you are right now, I'm glad you survived. Newt has been telling me stories about you. He told me about how you left Thomas when you guys got stuck in the maze, to be honest, I would've left him too. I really hope you're doing well. I'm not sure what WCKD is doing to you, but if I could take your place, I would. It's all my fault, while saving me, you got hurt. I should've been the one that was taken not you.
Love, Y/n


Minho didn't say anything as he continued to flip through the pages reading every letter.

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