Late night drive au

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Third person

"Hey, I'm here to pay my dues." A tall, Asian, muscular boy spoke reaching for his wallet in his back pocket.

He was at the school office because he had a late fee he still needed to pay for.

The girl behind the desk didn't look up from the computer screen. She had on a baggy shirt, oversized jacket, and basketball shorts.

"Okay. Can I get your name?" The girl looked up from the screen. Her y/e/c eyes looked up to see the boy.

The boy wore a school basketball hoodie, a hat that lay on his head backwards, and basketball shorts that she couldn't see from behind the table.

"Uh, Minho." He mumbled pulling out $27 from his wallet then stuffing the leather fold back into his pocket. She expected his last name as well, but saw that it had been printed onto his hoodie.

The girl typed Minho's name into the computer then saw that he was to pay $27 of school fees. Before she could ask, he held out the money to her. She took the money from him, putting it into a deposit box and making sure to mark that Minho had payed the fee. Whilst she did that, she took another look at the boy's hoodie.

"Okay, Minho, you no longer owe any money to the school." The girl sat back in her seat pulling her phone out.

For some odd reason, Minho couldn't look away from the girl. She was an obvious beauty, but why waste it by wearing baggy clothes and basketball shorts? The way she sat indicated that she didn't want to be there. Her careless yawn pointed out the bags under her eyes that didn't take away from her attractiveness.

The girl stood to her feet when she checked the time, it was 2:18. She pulled her bag onto her back and headed towards the office doors, oblivious to Minho's stare. Minho followed her, much to his surprise.

The walk was brisk and short. The girl stopped at the park basketball court. She dropped her bag inside the cage walls on the court with a few boys Minho recognized from school. She took off her jacket uncovering her shirt that had two almost completely naked ladies on the back.

"Here Y/n, you can pick the teams." Minho's teammate passed the ball to the girl.

Minho discretely watched from afar as the girl beat the other team with no problem. Around 3:30, the girl grabbed her stuff and walked out the court towards where Minho was sitting.

He panicked in fear not knowing where to go as the girl got closer to him. She aimlessly kicked a few rocks on her way towards boy. When she was two yards from Minho, she stopped walking and just stood there, staring at the him.

Minho thought he could get away with it, casually standing to his feet stretching his arms. He was around eight inches taller then the girl.

"Were you watching me?" She asked, her jacket draped over her arm as she played with her fingers. Minho turned to the girl staring down at her.

"Wha- no." Minho responded. He adjusted his hat due to being awkward. The girl looked up at him.

"Oh, ok." She shrugged continueing her walk.

"Wai- wa- wait!" Minho called out to the girl trying to catch up with her swift pace. Y/n stopped once again looking at the boy waiting for his words. "Uh, what's your name?"

Y/n scrunched her face, irritated by the suns brightness. "Y/n." She spoke softly.

Minho didn't speak after she answered him. He only stared at her thinking her name was only fitting to how she looked. Y/n didn't want to walk away and seem rude, so she sat at the nearest bench incase Minho had anymore words to say to her. It's not like she had anything better planned.

Minho x Y/n ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now