Slumber party with strangers pt 3 au

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Newt's pov

There's something about living in a house with a girl. I've noticed our manners have gotten better, even Minho's. I know my manners have always been better than Dumb and Dumber, but now I find myself putting the toilet seat down automatically.

Within the last month, we were all able to get a job at the café place Y/n and Minho got donuts from the second day we were with her. Lionel's a real great guy. We get free donuts anytime, though I do prefer scones. Our pay is very good as well. Lionel's shop has a huge fanbase due to the freshness of his donuts and the quality of his coffee. We get $15 an hour and work six days a week, we get Sundays off.

We've turned Y/n's mother's old room into our, as Tommy and Minho like to call it, Man Cave/ bedroom. During the process, we've found stacks and stacks of money.

Minho and Y/n have gotten closer with the amount of times she changed his plaster on the back of his neck. They're always laughing together and being all touchy. Once, Minho called Y/n "really pretty" on accident, and covered it with a cough.

This morning, I saw Tommy had fallen off the bed, and Minho looked like... Y/n? Where's Minho? I rolled out of bed then made my way to Minho's bed. As I got closer, I could definitely confirm it was Y/n, with a huge case of bed head.

"Hey, Y/n, why are you here? Where's Minho?" I asked pushing her shoulder. She groaned then rolled over closer to the wall. "Y/n." I rolled her onto her back but she didn't respond. Then the door opened, it was Minho.

"Oh, you're up." He said eating an apple. Where'd he get an apple?

"Why isn't she in her own room?" I asked motioning to the girl. Minho scratched his chest.

"It was raining hard last night."


"So, she got scared and asked to sleep in my bed with me." Minho replied. He bent down and got a towel from the foot of his bed.

"She got scared?" I asked. From what I knew, the girl never got scared of anything.

"Yeah. What's so hard to believe?" He then walked into our bathroom closing the door behind him. I huffed then heard a mumble from behind me, it was Y/n.

"Oh, Newt. What's up?" She stretched her arms out and sat up. I raised my eyebrows at her. "What?" I rolled my eyes then made my way to the kitchen.


Thomas' pov

It was the middle of the day. We were all at Lionel's working our shifts. Minho and I working the front, and Newt and Y/n were making donuts in the back. I'd say there'd be five to ten customers at a time in the shop.

"Okay, that'll be $6.47." Minho told a young girl who looked to be our age. She smiled at him sweetly, a little too sweetly.

The girl was a regular here. She'd come in and order when Minho was at the register, not me or anyone else. I'm pretty sure she liked him. She'd always flirt with Minho, and he'd flirt with her. But I'm not too sure she knows that Minho flirts for fun.

"Here you go." She handed him exact change. "So, Minho, I was wondering if maybe I could get your number." She batted her eyes at him. Personally, I think she's too posh. Minho didn't even look up from what he was doing.

"Um, sorry, that'd be a no." He looked up at her and smirked. "Have a nice day."

I had to turn away to keep my laughter in. When I heard her leave, I turned back to Minho and put my arm around him.

Minho x Y/n ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now