Late night drive au pt 2

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Minho's pov

After I asked Y/n if she wanted to go for a late night drive, and got a positive response, I went to my mom.

"Hey mom, can Y/n and I go night driving?" I turned into Minnie's room where my mom was trying to put her to sleep.

I cautioned myself when she put her finger to her lips and caressed Minnie's hair. She nodded with a smile. I gave her a thumbs up and mouthed a 'Thank you' before going back down the stairs.

When I reached the ground floor, I looked to the kitchen to see Y/n. She was sitting at the counter wearing her jacket again.

"Ready to go?" I asked grabbing my keys walking towards her.

"Yup." She hopped off the stool facing me.

That's when I saw it. Under her jacket, was no longer her womanly shirt, but a black sports bra, and of course her basketball shorts that were brought up to her bellybutton reaching just above her knees.


I quickly shifted my line of focus to her face when I realized I was staring too long at her body. Is she, is she blushing?

"Sorry, I'm just more comfortable this way." She spoke scratching her knee. I waved her off as casual as I could.

"No worries. Let's go."

We walked to my car. I obviously opened her door for her before getting into the car.

"I know a bunch of 24-hour places if you don't want to drive around all night." I told her.

I backed out of my driveway reaching my arm to rest on her seat. I figured girls thought that move was hot.

"I'm fine with whatever, really." Y/n said. I nodded handing her the aux wire, she began to play music similar to before.

I don't like it when people say that. Especially when I'm interested. Like how am I supposed to know if you'll like it or not. It's fine I guess.

Oh! I'll take her to 'Cream Bitches!'.

"Ice cream sound good?" I asked drumming my fingers on the wheel.

"Ooh, yes!" Y/n clasped her hands together excitedly. I smiled at her reaction.

On our drive there, Y/n rolled down her window. The music was blasting and her hair was going in all directions. She rolled her window back up when we got to the shop and unplugged her phone.

"Hi, welcome." The young man greeted as Y/n and I walked into 'Cream Bitches!'. We both waved at him then moved to the counter to see their options. I stood behind Y/n looking over her shoulder.

Maybe I should get the banana chocolate peanut butter one.

"Are you guys ready?"

"You go." Y/n said, still deciding on what she wanted. I stepped towards the pay counter.

"Yeah, I'll get one scoop of 'Monkey business'." I told the guy. He nodded then began to make my order.

When he put my order on the counter, Y/n stepped up to order hers. "And then I'll have the 'Bird's paradise'." I looked to Y/n smirking.

Sherbet? Really? I thought she'd be a mint chocolate chip kinda gal.

"Okay, your total will be $7.39." I swiped my card before the Y/n could swipe her's. I felt a small hand hit my bicep.

"I can pay. After all I am the senior between the two of us." She said as we both walked out the shop, thanking the man. We both walked to her side of the car.

Minho x Y/n ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now