Reasons why he loves me

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Y/n's pov

I watched the roaring fire build up in size into the cold night air. Fiery embers floated up in the sky. Today was Greenie day so we had a bonfire tonight. I like tonight because it's one of the only nights we get to loosen up each month.

Right now, I'm sitting on a log with my friends: Jeff, Newt, and Minho. Minho's my boyfriend, that's why his arm is around me. Jeff is on my right, I work with him so he's like my best friend. Newts on the other side of Jeff, he's my second bestfriend, third if you count Minho who'd be my first best friend. They all had a jar of Gally's "secret recipe", but I didn't because I learned on my second month here that me and drinking don't go well together.


"Hey, guess you aren't the Greenie anymore Y/n." Jeff laughed putting his arm over my shoulders.

"I guess not." I replied fake laughing smelling the alcohol in his breath. I eyed the drink he held in his hand, I saw it on my first day here but I never asked. "What's that?" I asked pointing to the jar.

"Ah, it's Gally's recipe. Here try some." He handed me the jar. I took the jar hesitantly and looked at Jeff who was wiggling his eyebrows. I looked back to the jar and swirled around the brown liquid. After a few seconds, I brought the jar to my mouth and let the drink fall down my throat. There was a slight burning sensation, but nothing I couldn't handle. I swallowed a good amount then retracted the jar.

"That's some drink." I stated handing the jar back to Jeff.

"Yeah, the best." Jeff said walking away. I laughed as I watched him trip over nothing and land on his face. "I'm alright!" He yelled out standing back to his feet.

I looked around the bonfire for a familiar face. When I saw Newt, I started to walk towards him, well walk is reach, I was stumbling. Just as I was a yard away, I accidently twisted my foot and fell back. I braced myself for impact but something stopped me. I opened my eyes to see Minho, the Keeper of the Runners. His strong arms held me up by my back.

"Hey gorgeous." Minho greeted winking at me.

"Hey." I replied nonchalantly. Minho's arms brought me to my feet but stayed at my elbows to keep me steady. I looked into his eyes and saw the fire reflecting off them. "You're pretty." I spoke softly but louder than a whisper.

"Thank you." Minho chuckled. "Did you drink Gally's drink?" He asked with a smile on his face. I sucked in air and shut my lips as if I were keeping a secret. I shook my head no, Minho responded by raising his eyebrows.

"A little." I giggled. Minho tilted his head to the side and furrowed his eyebrows. "What?" I asked. He lifted me by my elbows then put me down after raising me to where I was taller than him.

"Talk about lightweight." Minho laughed. I scoffed at him.

"I am not lightweight!" I defended. Minho laughed again.

"Alright whatever you say." He said. We stood in silence for awhile until I went on my tippy-toes and grabbed Minho's harness. "Are we gonna kiss?" He asked tilting his head back slightly.

"I want to." I shrugged.

"Let's go then." Minho said smirking. I smiled then put my head forward and pressed my lips to his. I could feel his strong hands grip my waist.


Yeah... we ended up making out for a good five minutes. That was three years ago, we only started dating a month after that night.

I was still watching the fire when I started to yawn.

"Look likes someone needs to get to bed." Minho said looking down at me. I shook my head.

"No, no. I am fully awake." I argued. Minho laughed then kissed my head, this made me close my eyes. "Fully awake..." I muttered drifting to sleep.

"Right. Say goodnight to Newt and Jeff." Minho said standing from his seat. I picked my head up and turned to my friends. I groaned then leaned my forehead on Jeff's arm. "C'mon bebs." Minho said picking me up with his arm under my back and his other over my legs.

"Goodnight Y/n!" Jeff and Newt yelled to me. I groaned a response and dug my head into Minho's shoulder.

Minho walked us to the homestead. I could hear Minho humming a random tune as we approached my hammock. Minho sat on the hammock then maneuvered himself to where we both lay comfortably in it. He pulled a thick blanket over our bodies and kissed my head.

"I love you so much." Minho told me in a low voice. I didn't do anything other than hug him tighter. "I love you because you're funny. I love you because you're kind. I love you because we have the same humor. I love you because you make me happy. I love you because of your wit. I love you because you help me when I'm hurt. I love you because-" I cut Minho off as he was listing the reasons he loved me.

"You say this every night." I whispered to him.

"Yeah, and you're gonna hear it everyday you live and breathe." Minho responded. My heart began to warm up. I looked up to him and smiled. He smiled back and kissed my nose. I put my head back his chest and sighed. Minho the continued his list.

"I love you because you tripped Gally last week. I love you because you made Gally cry that same day. Overall, I love you so much." Minho finished. He hugged me closer to him and sighed. "I'm gonna protect you at all costs. I'm gonna make sure you are never sad and that no shank will ever touch you. I'll do anything for you." Minho said stroking my hair. I kissed his chest.

"Me too." I sighed. Minho laughed. "Sorry it's not elaborate like yours." I apologized.

"It's okay, I know you mean it." Minho replied, I could tell he was smiling.

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