Slumber party with strangers pt 2 au

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Minho's pov

I woke up hearing loud music from a radio. Chris Brown? My head was covered by a blanket. I was still in the same position I slept in last night, on my stomach so the stuff on my neck wouldn't come off.

I lifted my head up then pulled off the blanket revealing a bright light from the window. I could see Y/n out on the fire escape crying, I think. I groggily got up from the cold floor and rubbed my eyes, she was facing away from the window so she couldn't see me. Thomas and Newt were still asleep somehow. I walked towards the window and sat on the frame leaving one leg in the room.

"Hey." I greeted. She turned her head looking at me. Definitely crying. Y/n sniffled then wiped her singular tears.

"Oh, hey." She said before turing her head back. I was gonna speak again but I yawned instead.

"Are you okay?" I asked during the yawn. This time she turned her whole body towards me, her knees were touching mine.

"Not really." Y/n laughed. "I uh, I just got a call from Mother saying that she won't be returning, like ever."

My face softened at what she had told me. I only met her just yesterday, but it's horrible to not have your parents anymore. I guess we all don't have our parents anymore, you know since we were kicked out and stuff.

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's alright, she was never around at all anyway." Y/n said standing to her feet. "Anyways," She sniffled back any leftover tears. "adventure?" She held her hand out for me to take.


Next thing you know, Y/n and I were walking down the street to a nearby donut place. I was wearing my shoes from yesterday and she wore shoes she had in her room. Y/n was limping a little but I guess her foot sort of healed over night.

"So you get the donuts for free?" I asked, my hands were in my pockets since it was still cold out.

"Yeah, I mean it's only because I've known the owner my whole life." Y/n explained, her hands were in her pockets as well.

"So do you pay for any of your meals?" I asked kicking aside some trash that was in my way.

"Uh... if I want a proper meal, yes. But for junk food like pizza and donuts, or that Chinese place, no." Y/n said as we approached a small diner. "Oh, it's here."

Before she could open the door, I reached forward and opened it for her. The place was small with few tables and a small counter space.

"Hey Y/n!" A tall middle aged man came from the back. He had jet black hair and an unkept beard.

"Hey Lionel!" Y/n said back. I stayed behind her looking around as she advanced on the counter.

"So, you're boyfriend?" The man asked. I turned my head making eye contact with him.

"Nope." She replied calmly. "Three glazed and five chocolate covered please." I could see her looking around a little uncomfortably.

"You got it." Lionel winked before walking back into the door he came from.

He walked out the door with a brown paper and handed it to Y/n.

"Thanks Lionel." Y/n said walking back out. I waved to the man who waved back smiling.

As we walked, I observed Y/n, not in a creepy way, just occasional glances. Her sleeves went below her elbows because of the size whereas mine were above my elbows. The shirt fell to halfway down here thighs, mine were just below my waistband. She's obviously attractive and, from the information I've gathered so far, a very cool person.

Minho x Y/n ONE SHOTSWhere stories live. Discover now