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A/N - This is TFG's sister, if you haven't already seen the announcement I made on my sister's profile, it is with great sadness I have to let you all know my sister has passed away and thus this story will remain unfinished. This is the last chapter she had in her drafts and whilst unfinished I will still share it with you guys.

Thank you so much for your support in her works and writing <3

I rose early the next morning, mind racing as I silently moved around, getting ready for the day. I had little sleep the night before, my thoughts stolen by Liv's operation and how I could help. That's when I'd decided to steal the money, I had to.

I knocked on Liv and Peyton's door, pleading that they would wake up. I had the money, all I had to do was get it to them. "Someone better be...Jess?" Peyton opened the door, confusion evident. I held up the bag.
"I need to speak to Liv." I told her.
"Oh, come in, I'll go get her." She opened the door wider, and I entered the room. A minute later Liv appeared, her eyes immediately landing on the bag. "Am I gonna like what's in that bag, fair maiden?" She gave me a pleasing look.
"Yeah," I reached out, unzipping it, "I think you will."
"What? How? Hold. I do not wish to know."
"Relax, it belonged to a friend they've...passed." I lied, "but, that's not the point. The point is, its yours, Renegade." She nodded.
"We must get this to the rest of the travellers."
"I'll drive." I grinned, showing my keys, the others grabbing their jackets and following me downstairs and heading off.

"Liv, you can't just bring new people here. You put everyone at risk." Suki looked at Peyton.
"New people need to be vetted." Levon agreed.
"New to you, good sir, but to me a lifetime of loyalty." Liv assured.
"We come bearing gifts." Peyton broke the news, showing the contents of the bag. "Consider Lady Peyton vetted." The group smiled in disbelief.
"Think of those who will benefit from this. All the people we weren't able to bring in before." Liv continued on. Then there was a knock at the door, and I silently cursed, my hand protecting my stomach, and the others preparing for the worst.

Levon approached the door, before looking through the hole, letting out a relieved sigh. "It's all right. Come on in." Curtis and a girl entered the room, the former clearly irritated.
"There were some hiccups." He informed.
"What happened?" Stan asked.
"A couple of the guards along the north wall decided what we bribed them isn't enough. We had to find another route. She was a champ."
"I'm... I'm so glad we made it. It was such a crazy drama getting here. I couldn't handle the Walley World situation. Zombie Park's closed. Walrus out front should've told you." The girl laughed, stepping towards us, "let's do this. I'm tired of being sick." She sat on the bed and I stepped back, watching Liv kneel in front of her.

"'Tis with the proudest of hearts that I shall fulfill the third of my promises three."
"Oh, great. Quick question. Do all zombies talk like you or do you, like, actually work at a Ren Faire?" The girl asked.
"Don't worry, we're not all that crazy." I reassured.
"Isobel of Idaho, I welcome you to the brotherhood of zombies. Live undead with a true heart and do naught but good," Liv reached out, scratching Isobel's arm, but I didn't feel a thing. "Uh... How long does it take to kick in?"
"It's usually pretty immediate. Try the other arm." Levon suggested.
"Yeah, maybe it's like a vein thing." I shook my head at the girls words, Liv clearing her throat.
"Isobel of..."
"Liv..." Peyton cut her off.
"Renegade," Suki corrected.
"Go a little deeper this time." Isobel told her, again, she remained very much alive.
"Maybe do her neck." Levon suggested.
"Have you eaten today? Jess, could you try?"
"I don't understand." Liv shook her head, turning to look at me.
"I'm going to die, aren't I?"
"I can't. I have to go." I walked out before anyone could ask again,

When I arrived at The Post, Don E looked up from the bar. "Hey, what do you know about a $100,000 brain?"
"That entirely depends on why you're asking me this question." I raised an eyebrow.
"And where we're you so early in the morning? Even the dead don't rise that early."
"Just...you're gonna have fun." I began to walk towards the office, grinning at the thought.
"No, no, no. I know that look." I continued walking, "Jess!"

"Is that my woman?" Blaine noticed my presence immediately.
"It might be."
"Get over here." I smiled as he opened his arms from his seat, walking over and sitting on his lap, letting him hold me. "Now, where were you?"
"Oh, just out for a walk. This baby has me needing to do all kinds of strange things." I lied.
"And you went alone?" He raised an eyebrow.
"Blaine, don't start this again." I
"I'm not, I'm not. I'm just saying..."
"I know, look, I'm okay, baby's okay, we're all..." we both looked down as our phones lit up.

"A citywide lockdown is immediately in effect as Filmore-Graves conducts a manhunt for serial killer Ronnie 'Sugar' Cain."

I looked back up at Blaine, who was looking at me as if in shock. "No more disappearing. Please."
"Don't worry, baby and I are staying right here." I nodded, my mind racing with how lucky I got as alarms rang out above ground.

This was in a separate draft to the chapter above:

I froze as his hand made contact with my wrist, squeezing hard. "Let go Blaine."
"You're not going anywhere," he pulled me back, and I held back tears.
"Blaine, I'm going for a walk."
"No, you're going to stay in this house for as long as I tell you to
"Shut up!"

My eyes went red, tears flooding out as I forced him from my body. "Maybe you were right, Blaine, you are your father."

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