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I took a deep breath as we pulled up outside the gun range. Don E was so far gone already, and the thought of losing him was driving me mad. "It's a gun range, these guys are gonna be armed to the teeth." Liv stated, looking at it in doubt, "we need to have a plan. What if we..." she stopped as Blaine pulled the lighter out.
"You think you're smoking in my car?" She snapped.
"No. He's getting you in the right mindset." I replied, just as he pushed it to her arm, causing her zombie side to come out. "Atta Girl." Blaine chuckled, and she turned, smashing his head to the dashboard causing me to burst into laughter. Then they turned to me, "ahh, no. I've got to stay human if we want this to work, and if we want to keep Ravi safe." They turned away at my reminder and we all got out, Blaine climbing to the roof, whilst I followed Liv to the door. "Stay here, stay quiet." It was more of an order than a request, my primal side being the only thing that had a chance at calming the angry zombie we knew as Liv.

I walked up the stairs, and along the corridor before stopping at the door, fixing my hair and taking a deep breath. "Help! Somebody, please! Help me!" I screamed, pounding against it. It was Harley John who opened it up, gun aimed as I began to cry false tears. "Leave." He ordered.
"Please, my ex is coming for me, he's going to kill me and I saw your light on. Please!" I frantically looked back, forcing myself to shake as he finally gave in.
"Stay quiet and out of the way." He demanded.
"Thank you! Oh my god, thank you so much!" I cried, drying my eyes and following him into the room. Ravi instantly stood, eyes meeting mine and then pointing to the woman he was sat by, doing a small shake of the head. I nodded, getting the message, before looking around the room.

"Wait. You're...holy shit, is that it?!" I pointed towards Don E, causing the group of men to look at me, now intrigued.
"That's it." One of the guys nodded, smirking at their 'achievement'.
"I was watching the stream before my ex broke into my place, I can't believe I ran here of all places. Wait, it's not going to get loose is it?" I pretended to panic, and one of Harvey's guys stepped closer.
"Don't worry, if it tries to come near you I'll protect you."
"Oh, please do." I smirked, internally gagging as he brushed a strand of hair from my face.
"Hold on. Why are you so pale, and what's with the hair?" Harley looked at me and I rolled my eyes.
"Of course, I know how this looks, and I wouldn't trust me either. But I'm anaemic, and the hair is a fashion choice. One I'm definitely going to get fixed due to the whole zombie thing. Don't want people trying to kill me now, do we?" I explained.
"That would be a tragedy, wouldn't it?" Harley clutched his gun tighter and I narrowed my eyes in return, challenging him.

All of a sudden, Ravi rushed towards the laptop. "We've done it! 100,000!" He shouted, causing the group to erupt into cheers, and Harley turned.
"Alright, let's get back to business boys." Ravi stepped back towards me and I let out a sigh of relief.
"Thanks, Doc." I whispered.
"Thanks for coming." He responded.
"I'd never leave him behind." I said, looking at Don E, who was staring back at me. He knew, he may be far gone, but he knew who I was, and that I was here to help him. "This is Rachel." I turned to her and nodded.
"Jess," she shook my outstretched hand, and I lowered my voice further, "listen, things might get a little messy, so stay with Ravi."

"It's a beautiful thing! You two get over here, you're a part of the team now." Harley called out to the pair, before smiling at me, "feel free to join us." We turned, as he cocked his gun, the others finally breaking their group hug. We shared nervous looks and walked towards them. "You sure about this? You might kill him?" Rachel challenged.
"Am I sure? Hell, yes, I'm sure. That thing you're looking at is already dead. He's just a brain-eating corpse like the ones who ate my brother." Harley snapped. I went to step forwards and speak out, but Ravi made sure to keep a firm hand on my shoulder, reminding me why I was here. "Grab Your shotguns, boys! Cover Bo! That thing gets loose...blow its head off." Harley ordered, and Ravi frantically pointed at Don E.
"They feel pain. He winced when I give him injections. You could go too far, fry him.."
"Oh. Bo knows cattle prods." He cut Ravi off, before turning to the group, "let's do this thing!"

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