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I sighed as I finished getting ready, walking downstairs and through various tables. Blaine was stood across the room, talking to a couple, but I ignored his gaze, walking outside. I got into the car, ready to head off to The Scratching Post. Human-Zombie night preparations would be beginning, and I could guarantee there'd be something they needed my help with. However, just as I was about to head off, I watched as a laundromat came into view, more importantly Renegade scratching Anthony. Blaine just had a vision, and I'd been dragged into it. I looked down at my stomach, placing my hand over it with a sigh, before watching as Blaine climbed into his car. This was my final chance to stop him, and I wouldn't let it go.

I followed him as best I could, staying far behind, I knew he wasn't stupid, I just had to get there before he could harm Renegade. The car disappeared around the corner, and I parked up, walking along the street as fast as I could. I heard gunshots, which caused my pace to increase into a run as I burst into the laundromat, pushing between Dino and Blaine, blocking their path to Renegade. "Don't do this." I begged, a little out of breath as Blaine's eyes went wide in surprise.
"Jess, what are you doing here?" He questioned.
"Stopping you. Don't do this, Please, don't hurt her." I begged, glancing back at Renegade, who was watching with concern.
"I won't. Her fate lies in the hands of Chase Graves. Why do you suddenly care about her so much, anyway? You're always telling me actions have consequences, well so do hers." Blaine gave me an accusing look as he asked the question, all I could do was look down. His eyes followed, and then met mine as I continued to stand my ground, "I'm not gonna let you take her." I told him.
"Don't do this." He took a step forwards, and Renegade took my hand, pulling me back a little more.
"I'm sorry." I whispered, holding back the tears as I went against him, standing up for someone I'd never met.

"Me too."

Blaine stopped forwards, snapping into action before I could react, pinning my arms behind my back, his own around my body, disabling my movement. I fought back, but I wouldn't let myself go into rage mode...I couldn't. No matter how much my mind willed me to fight back, I couldn't, because I loved Blaine too much. "Get her." He ordered, and Dino quickly tied Renegade up, carrying her out to the car. Once he had, Blaine let me go, and I turned on him. "Jess..."
"I'm coming with you, then I'm going to The Post. Don't follow me." I snapped, walking outside and climbing into the car. Renegade had been put into the trunk, and I placed my hand on the back of the chair, closing my eyes.

"Renegade? Can you hear me?" I knew my voice would be desperate, but I didn't care, not anymore.
"I hear you, are you alright?" I felt my shoulders relax once she responded.
"I should be asking you that."
"Did he hurt you?" Renegade's voice was filled with concern, even in her position she worried for others, proving she was as good as Anthony thought. "No. He never would." I assured.
"You're sure of that?" The question made me think of all the times Blaine kept something secret, or went against his word, and yet I still followed my heart, "I...I am."
"I see."
"Look, I don't know if I'll be able to get you out of this, I've got a...condition." I changed the subject, knowing I could no longer put myself in too much danger.
"Don't put yourself in any danger, you hear? What you did in there was selfless, and I'm grateful, but it was also stupid. Miss. Mort, I know you're smarter than that." Renegade's words made me pause.
"How do you know my name?" I asked, confused.
"I've had my eye on you for a while, girl. My guys have too, they've seen you in The Scratching Post. You've got a good heart, but it's taking you the wrong way." She explained, as I absorbed every word.
"How do I stop it?" I asked.
"Love is a tricky thing, my dear. The heart falls for whoever it wants, and as much as it hurts, it's worth it in the end." She replied, still, I couldn't help but repeat my question, unsure of what to do next. "What do I do?"
"Fight. And never lose hope." Was the response.
"I won't. Thank you Renegade."
"Call me Mama Leone." I smiled at hearing the words.
"Call me Jess."
"It's nice to meet you, Jess." I could hear the smile in her voice, despite the situation, she was still the kindest person I knew. "You too, Mama. I will fight for you, that's a promise." I assured.
"I know."

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