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I walked out of the office at the sound of knocking on the door, rolling my eyes as Blaine and Don E continued to argue about Tupac over the bar. Them being on the same brain was exhausting to say the least. I walked up to the door, before opening it up to find Liv and Clive. "Oh great, another one on the brain. Are you here to argue about Tupac too?"
"What?" At my words Liv pushed past and joined the pair at the bar, leaving Clive and I in an awkward silence. "Come on in." I gestured to the bar and he nodded, entering the room.
"What can we do for you, anyway?" I asked, shutting the door and following him.
"We need you to come with us to Wham Bam's in hopes of triggering a vision." Clive explained.
"Ahh, well, I'll have to get these knuckleheads to get their act together. Come on, maybe you can lend a hand."

We walked over to the bar, where Blaine instantly pulled me into his lap. "Babe, will you please tell these two how right I am?" He requested, kissing my cheek.
"Depends, will you tell me what you're right about exactly?" I responded.
"Forget it, you two sound crazy. Sad to say it, but Tupac is dead and gone.....Biggie Smalls' twin brother killed Tupac, and it's that twin that got shot in LA. Biggie, at this moment, is sipping mojitos in Havana." Liv cut in, causing both Blaine and Don E to share a 'wtf' look.
"Okay. Okay. Can we go to Wham Bam's now?" Clive spoke up, hitting his hand on the bar to get their attention.
"The gun range? Why?" Blaine questioned.
"We're going on a vision hunt," he went to speak but I placed a finger over his lips, "nope, no arguing. Come on, boys. Let's go." With that, I stood again, and Blaine placed his hand in mine, the five of us driving to the gun range in hopes of a vision occurring.

"Dude, it couldn't be more obvious! Cruise's tan is way too even, and he's barely aged a day in 30 years." Don E began, looking at Clive, who was sat watching the four of us look around.
"Why do you think he does his own death-defying stunts? It's cause he's already dead." Blaine added.
"I'll bet he doesn't eat the brain of anyone over the age of 25." Liv rejoined is in the room, and I rolled my eyes.
"So, I should be thinking that's a raged out zombie next time I see Tom cruise doing a Chase sequence?"

Next thing I knew I was in a car, Liv and a familiar zombie face chasing after us. "Go! Go! Go!" Harley was quick to reverse, and then I returned to the real world, gasping for breath.

"Did..did you see that?" Blaine asked, looking around at us. "In the woods?"
"Inside Harley's truck." Liv nodded.
"Wow, did we just have a four-way?!" I laughed at Don E, and Liv gave him a disgusted look. "If this is gonna happen every time I drop my defence and let visions happen, I swear I'm never doing it again." I shook my head.
"Aww, just admit you had fun." Don E teased.
"What was the vision?" Clive spoke up, and we focused our attention back on the task at hand. "It was a zombie chasing down Harley's truck." Blaine informed.
"Oh! It was the dude you brought to The Scratching Post." Don E pointed out.
"That's why I recognised him." I realised, now leaning on Blaine, who wrapped an arm around my shoulders.
"What was the vision?" Clive asked again.
"It was news we already knew." Liv replied.
"We're in Harley's truck, Liv squeezes in our headlights, frothing at the mouth. He wants our brains, man! I yell, Go, Go, Go! Harley guns it in reverse. Her friend is chasing us down, going like 60 miles an hour." Don E began to shout.
"That's a slight exaggeration." Blaine cut in.
"Dude, I was there!" Don E argued.
"We were all there."
"This was on YouTube for god's sake. Now how 'bout you three continue your vision hunt downstairs, and see if we can cover more territory." Clive suggested.
"Sure, come on boys." I walked ahead and they followed, the three of us walking down.

"So, you guys are under full effects of the brains, what do you reckon would kickstart a vision?" I asked, leaning on the wall as the pair wandered further into the room.
"Come on, you sure you don't wanna help?" Don E complained, looking at a nearby shelf.
"After your previous reaction, not really." I responded, as Blaine chuckled from across the room.
"Don't worry, I'm not gonna share you with anybody."
"Oh my god! Blaine! He's basically my brother, for fucks sake. I never wanted that image in my head, please, get it out." I began to rub my eyes, "I can't get it out." And then Blaine walked over, removing my hands and kissing me.
"That help?" He asked, smirking.
"Fuck you, and your brain." I hissed, turning away and watching the window, clearing my mind again.
"Alright, you know what? I'm bored, I don't think this is gonna work." Don E spoke up again, walking towards the exit.
"Yeah, hey, you ever thought about how Tupac might be..."
"Okay, you two go get your lives sorted out, I'll meet you in the car. I'll go let Liv and Clive know that we're finished down here." I said, before walking towards the stairs again, rolling my eyes as I heard the pair making up more conspiracy theories again.

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