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The next morning I decided to head back to the shop with Blaine, happily taking his offer of co-manager. Now we sat at the desk filling in random bits of paperwork, that's when Luta walked in. "Why are you here and not carrying astronaut brains?" Blaine questioned, Luta tried to reply but his throat was still damaged. "I'm sorry, I'm having trouble understanding you there," he mocked, I held in a laugh.
"I've been looking all night." He whispered, hoarsely. Blaine sighed.
"I don't care. I didn't kill a national hero for nothing. Find those brains." He demanded, pushing Luta back as he hurried out of the room.

He turned back to me, I sat still scribbling on the papers. "How's it looking, my new partner?" He asked, sitting back beside me. I didn't answer as I filled in one last box, "and, we, are...done. What's next?" I pushed back on the desk, wheeling my chair back and throwing my arms up in success.
"Well, I guess it's a good a times as any to try out one of your recipies." He replied, pulling me to a stand. I nodded, before walking over to the fridge.
"What'd ya fancy? Wraps? Cake? Scones?" I turned over my shoulder looking at Blaine.
"Why not some scones, make em tasty." I nodded, pulling out some small leftover brains since they wouldn't be fetching much money any ways. Then I gathered the rest of the ingredients and started making. However, when I was about to cut them out I realised I was missing something, "Hey, Blaine!" I called him over, "hmm."
"Can you grab some spice, any will do." He walked away to the storage cupboard before returning with the flavours in hand. "Here you go, m'lady." I laughed as he bowed, presenting the sauce.
"Thank you, my Lord." I replied, equally posh tone in my voice as we laughed, "scram, these will be done in twenty." I waved him off as I finished prepping and placed them into the oven.

"Jess, clean it up. Some inspector came in and it's not looking good." Blaine said, and I nodded to him as he exited, cleaning my area with haste and using odd bits of real meat to stash infront of brains inside the fridge. "This is Jess, no one else is around so feel free to take as long as you need." Blaine introduced, but by the look on his face something was off.
"Hey, sorry I'm a mess. I like to bake in any free time I get." I 'apologised' dusting my skirt to get rid of the flour. I let him past and walked to Blaine, "he's not meant to show up like this, is he?" I asked, Blaine shrugged with a quiet, "Nope." The man stopped, looking into the fridge, where real meat hid brains.
"There a problem, sir?" I asked, looking at him.
"No, you're all good. Sorry for the trouble." With that he was gone and work carried on as usual.

I took out the scones and placed them on a cooling rack, whilst Blaine looked worriedly at his phone. "You alright?" I asked, peering over his shoulder. He clicked it off, "yeah, they better hurry up..." As he said this Julian and Luta entered. Julian looking down, walked straight past silent and empty handed. "You look like an orphan about to ask me for more gruel." Blaine stated, turning to face Luta.
"Look, boss..."
"Please, sir" Blaine mocked cutting him off, I laughed at his face.
"I've looked everywhere..."
"Can you monetise your excuses and sell them for a million dollars?..No? Great. Then keep them to yourself and get back out there and find me my astronaut brains. Go!" Blaine shooed him off, clearly stressed. "I don't need this right now you guys! I'm under enough stress as it is. Especially with the health inspector showing up twice in as many months." Blaine stated, voice raised slightly.
"The health inspector came back around?" Julian questioned.
"Yeah, you should have seen this guy. Came in here looking like a catalogue model. He was trying to flirt with me. Thinks I'm gonna melt because he's got blue eyes and broad shoulders," Cissie responded, stopping her cleaning.
"Did he have good hair?" Julian asked. I switched my head back and forth between them, confused.
"What is this bizarre segue that's happening right now? Can we maybe stay on point?" Blaine snapped, I stood and leant against the wall. "I want my brains. I want my million dollars. Make it happen." With that the guys left and he walked up to me.

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