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Quick A/N- I got an instagram account now, the link is in my bio, or search _theflamingirl_          ~TFG x

When I eventually got up the next morning, there was a small note on my dresser. "Come to the McDonough Estate, and wear something nice, I want my dad to realise I picked the best girl in the world. ~Blaine" I rolled my eyes knowing exactly what he meant by 'nice', before wandering over the the closet and grabbing a white, low cut play suit with matching heels.

Once changed, I closed my eyes and focused on Blaine

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Once changed, I closed my eyes and focused on Blaine. When I felt him, he was angry, but he was also upset. Angus always had that effect on him, the memories of his childhood flooded back, the beatings I had only heard of once, alongside all the pain he suffered from losing his mother. "I'm coming." I sent the mental message as I called a cab.

"Where to?" I looked over at the driver as I got in and sat down.
"The McDonough estate, please." I replied, before pulling out my phone.
"You know the McDonoughs?" I looked up as the driver spoke again, "I heard Angus' son is some kind of gang leader now, apparently he's dragging his father's name down too." I let out a small sigh, realising this guy was one of those nosey gossiping drivers, the exact reason Chief used to drive me everywhere. "Really? Well, I know his son, and he's the most caring guy I've ever met. And, just between you and me, Angus McDonough is a cold hearted, abusing, self-centred, bastard. But anyway, the son is definitely the problem." He slowed next to the entry to the estate, and I opened up the door, climbing out. "Excuse me, you didn't pay." I turned back, looking at the driver at rolling my eyes.
"Oh, I didn't? I'm so sorry, hold on, let me get my money." I looked down as I put my hand in my pocket, before looking back at him. "I'm afraid I don't have the cash, but if you want to chase me in here whilst I go visit my boyfriend, go right ahead." I walked away, going up to the gate. The driver went silent, meeting my eyes as I smirked at him, watching the cab drive away, before going in.

"Blaine!" I called out, wandering through the extremely large garden.
"Back here!" I followed his voice, wandering around the corner to find Angus hooked up to a car winch and over a well, his feet trapped in cement and Blaine standing beside him. He turned around, opening his arms and smiling, "Come here, babe." I knew from his voice that he wanted me to overdramatise our relationship to prove that Angus was wrong about his 'sleeping around' lifestyle. I ran over, jumping into his arms and kissing him hard. "Ahh, the zombie bitch joins us at last. I must say, I was originally surprised at how smart this plan was, but now I see the brains behind the..." He looked me up and down, "beauty." I shuddered slightly, inching closer to Blaine, who's hand was placed on my lower back. "You see, dad, this is why the women never like you, you're just creepy." He mocked. I walked forwards, stepping up to stand with Angus. Then, I gripped his hair, forcing him to face me. "This was all Blaine, I just tagged along to see you suffer." Then I turned my eyes red, "look at him and apologise for all the pain you put him through!" Blaine smiled, watching on as I forced his dad to do something he hated, admit he was wrong. By apologising, he was admitting he shouldn't have beat Blaine. "I'm...sorry." Angus hissed through gritted teeth, I nodded, letting go of his hair and walking back over to Blaine, linking my hand in his. "Good show, and outfit." I looked up to find him smirking, knowing I'd heard as he looked down at me. "Shall we?" He turned, leading me back to the car, where he released the winch, sending Angus to a watery eternity. Blaine then led me over to see if he was truly gone. "There's about  a dollar forty in pennies down there, dad. Maybe you can bribe your way out." Was all he said, before taking me back to the car and setting off towards The Scratching Post.

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