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A couple of days later and Gabriel had been kicked out and left to fend for himself. We gave him nothing, not a single scrap of flesh...

I smiled when I woke up, opening my eyes to see Blaine looking back at me, reflecting my smile. "Morning." He said, reaching out and tucking my hair behind my ear, I pulled his hand away.
"What have I told you about being a mushy little shit?" I joked and he laughed.
"So glad that the recent incident hasn't changed you." With those words we both sat up and got out of bed, advancing to get ready for the day.

Within a couple hours we had opened up the shop and Blaine was talking to our first customer, whilst I did the usual, listen in whilst polishing, act. The man who was here wanted everything to be as his mother planned, and Blaine assured it would be just that. Then I felt a zombie enter, Gabriel was back. "My undertaker, he's Finnish," Blaine let out a nervous laugh as our client watched the man at the door, confused. "If you'll excuse me a moment, Jessica?" I turned, nodding as he said my name, practically ordering me to join him.

As we walked over I started to feel how hungry Gabriel was, and I had to stop myself from running back to the man and opening his head. "We have an employee's entrance," Blaine informed pulling Gabriel aside.
"I'll cut the utopium for you. Same way I cut it for the boat party. But I want the cure you said it would lead to. God gives me strength, I won't eat brains." He stated, I sighed, noticing how hard he was fighting it.
"Corinthians?" Blaine got no reply and I snickered. "Never mind. Don't care. Walk this way, Jess, could you sort him out?" Blaine asked, and I nodded leading Gabriel downstairs.

"Right this way, take a seat." I didn't really give him much of a choice as I pushed him down onto a chair. "Chief! Cheif!" I groaned getting no response. "Hey! Don E!" I called to the man who stood across the room.
"What can I help ya with JM?" He asked.
"Our friend here," I gestured to Gabriel, "is going to be a good zombie and cut the Utopium for us, so would you get Chief's ass down here now. Tell him if he doesn't hurry the fuck up, he's missing dinner tonight." I stated, he laughed.
"You got it, sister." And with that he ran off upstairs to go hunt down the worker.

Few minutes later he arrived, Don E walked past, high fiving me as he did so, before returning to his laptop and headphones. "Chief, bring out the goods." He walked to the corner and I turned to Gabriel. "Now, everything you might need is in the cupboards behind you. Chief and Don E are going to be down here the whole time, so don't try anything. Oh, and I can sometimes read Zombie minds, so if you even think, about pulling something, I'll know." With those words, I nodded to Chief and left them to it.

When I returned upstairs, I found the man shaking Blaine's hand, a smile plastered on his face. "Thank you Mr.DeBeers, truly, if it weren't for Shady Plots my mother wouldn't have got the funeral she deserves." I smiled, at him as I joined them by the door. "I'll see you on the day then. Miss.Mort." He nodded at me to say bye and I waved, before watching him go.

Blaine instantly turned, "God, my face hurts. Is that what it feels like to smile all the time?" He complained, I laughed.
"You should be used to it by now."
"Well it hurts." I smirked, walking closer and kissing his cheeks.
"Better?" He nodded.
"Anyway, how's our Utopium coming along?" He asked, I shrugged.
"Well, he's started. Let's hope he works fast, I mean he has got Chief staring him down, so you'd think he's under enough pressure to work quick." I informed, Blaine let out a low chuckle.
"You're incredible. I was just gonna have him lock the doors and stay close, just in case. But you actually sat him right opposite?" He said in disbelief.
"I don't go easy on people who hate my kind." I reminded.
"Ah, of course not. Come on, let's go see." He took my hand and we walked downstairs to where our recruit was busy.

"Chief. Has he tried anything?" I asked, getting a shake of his head in response.
"Good. Now, how much have we got do far?" Blaine cut in, stepping towards Gabriel. He looked up, still as nervous and starving as earlier.
"I've almost finished it all, any that has been done is in those crates." He pointed towards a couple of small crates and we smiled.
"Keep going soldier, God bless." Blaine half mocked as he walked towards the Utopium and picked up a bottle. "Don E!" He called, he stood up from his seat with chief.
"What's up, boss?" He asked, coming over, "whoa! This dude works fast. That's crazy!" I couldn't help but laugh at his surprised look.
"Yeah. Now, I need you to take this to our dear friends at the morgue, give it to a man named Ravi. He'll know what to do with it." As he said this I perked up.

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