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The next morning, I woke up to find that, once again, Blaine had already left the room. But something wasn't right about this time, there was no evidence of him ever being in the room last night. No messed up pillow, no crumpled sheets or even his comb placed on the dresser across from me. It was like he'd never come to bed last night, and I began to panic.

I ran downstairs, calling out for him, only when I found him, I wish I hadn't. "Blaine! Blaine, wake up!" I cried, running over to him. He lay fast asleep, and didn't show any signs of waking up. Suddenly, the door opened and Don E walked in. "Jess? What's happening?" He asked, rushing over. I shook my head, eyes beginning to water. "I just got up, he never came upstairs last night and now he's now waking up." I explained, causing him to push past and violently shake Blaine.
"Come on man, wake up." Don E pleaded, then he was pushed back with a sudden movement from Blaine.

"Hey. What's with the manhandling?" He questioned, and I let out a sigh of relief.
"You were unconscious." Don E pointed out.
"Most people call it sleeping, Scott E, but way to add to the drama." As Blaine spoke, me and Don E shared a worried look.
"It's Don E, Blaine. You just called me Scott E."
"Did I? Oh, in my defence you do look just like him." He turned to me, "who do we have here? Your girlfriend?" I froze. Don E looked at me, and gulped.
"Blaine, please tell me you're having me on? This is just a prank, right?" I asked, then I spotted the needle.
"Do I know you?" He asked, and I picked it up, tears in my eyes.
"Um, yeah, I'm Jessic Mort. And no, I'm not his girlfriend." I stated, pulling Don E out of the room.

"What do we do!?" I asked, my eyes were now flashing between human and zombie, as I worried for our future.
"First of all, you need to calm down and go get yourself ready, there's a funeral today. When that's sorted, we'll take him to the morgue, I promise you it will be okay." He placed his hands on my shoulders, looking straight into my eyes.
"Okay, alright. But I feel like we should leave it for today, maybe it's just a minor side effect?" I suggested, glancing back through the door at Blaine, who was making himself a cup of tea. "Good idea, go take care of yourself. I'll update Chief and keep an eye on Blaine." Don E pushed me towards the stairs before I could even attempt to protest.
"Wait! I'm pretty sure he's meant to meet Peyton, like soon." I remembered, he shook his head.
"He's sitting this one out, if it's so bad she'll come over later. Now go!" I sighed, he was right. Besides everything would turn out okay...

Hours later, and we were gathered downstairs updating Chief, whilst Blaine sat with headphones in watching random shows on the laptop. "Just try and keep everything up to date, oh, and keep an eye on boss." Don E finished, Chief nodded. "Oh, and Jess, what about zombie half of him? Is he cured now?" I shrugged in response.
"I could slip some brains into a blender and mix a smoothie, but I don't want to give him it if he's human." Chief pulled out his phone. He typed out his words, then turned the screen to us. Why don't you do the mind thing? It read, and I shrugged, looking at Don E, then to Blaine, and back again. "He's right, it just might work." Don E was the first to speak, and I nodded.
"It could, or I could make things worse. If I try and get into his mind and make him remember, it could mess everything up forever." I added, letting out a sigh as I watched Blaine. I loved him too much to lose him forever. "It's just not worth the risk, I can't do it." I walked out, before they saw my tears fall. I was the boss for now, and I had to stay strong. If not for us, for the Seattle zombies.

Don E followed behind me, and copied my actions as I started to set up chairs for the later funeral. "Hi. We need to talk to Blaine. Mind letting him know we're here?" I jumped back as I heard the familiar voice.
"He's not around. Sorry." Don E turned to Peyton and Liv, who had decided shed tag along.
"When will he be back?" Peyton asked, and I stepped into view.
"It's hard to say." Don E stated, and Peyton smiled at me.
"Because the words are to big, or.."
"You know what...!?" Don E got annoyed as Liv stepped closer, and I stood between them.
"Back off." I growled, flashing my red eyes. Then the worst thing happened.

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