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I sighed as I read the article on my phone. A house had been blown up, and after my recent worries, I was growing paranoid. I was watching my back at every moment, awaiting someone to try and attack. Only yesterday had Liv's face been on the cover of the news, along with the headline, "Zombies are real."

"What happened now?" Blaine spoke up, looking at me over his laptop.
"A Fillmore-Graves property blew up. I can't help but worry about what may happen if someone got in here." I admitted.
"They'd have to get past the door first." Blaine reminded.
"How'd you think they got in the building? If multiple trained soldiers can't spot a bomber, what's to say our dumbass bouncers could?" I stated, and he looked back at the screen, getting lost in the work he was doing.

"It's happening again." When Don E entered, we both looked up.
"Not in the mood, Donald." Blaine warned.
"Guys, you really need to see this. Choreographer blue brain is a big hit. We should up the price." He informed. Blaine looked across at me, and I stood up, causing him to follow too. The bar was filled with zombies dancing, any who'd yet to taste the brain cheering on from the sidelines. Don E smiled, clapping along, but Blaine just tipped his head back letting out a loud sigh. I slipped my hand into his, leaning on his shoulder as we watched the scene.

That's when Dino began walking through the dancing crowd, alone and empty handed. "Hey! Where's my shipment of Russian brains?" Blaine questioned.
"Where's Tanner?" Don E added.
"There were Feds at the drop. They intercepted our crate." Dino informed.
"Balls." Blaine stared in disbelief.
"And Tanner?" Don E asked.
"He got clipped."
"You've got to be shitting me. Don E, please tell me you've made some new form of your alcohol that will actually help me relax." I sent him a pleading look, but he shrugged an apology.
"Sorry, it's still fermenting in the back."
"Great. Blaine?" I took his hand, dragging him behind me, before collapsing on the chair behind the desk.
"Come on, I need to finish this plan for Chase Graves. I'm trying to get us another business partner." He waved me out of it.
"Let me know how that works out then." I sighed, leaning further back into the chair.
"Ah, no, you're coming with me. I need a pretty face to try and convince him." He responded, grabbing my hands and pulling me up to him.
"Really?" I raised a brow.
"Nah, you need to get out of here. And not just back to Shady Plots, it's getting tiring watching you hide because of one newspaper article. Come on, we're going out, and you're going to enjoy it." He admitted.
"Enjoy watching you and Chase fight over who's ego is bigger? I'm good." I scoffed.
"You could do your weird analysis thing, figure out if he knows anything about the 'bad feeling' you've been having." Blaine chimed.
"You're want me to figure out if he's lying to you or not." I corrected, seeing right through him.
"No, why would you'd at that?" He acted innocent, walking over and reaching for my hands. "Alright, shut up, and come on." I smirked, moving out of his reach and towards the door.

A while later and we were arriving at Fillmore-Graves, and sat inside Chase's office. "We're importing brains from third world countries, war zones...placed with too many consonants and too much death. You say the word, and Filmore Graves is officially out of the brain procurement business. You keep your hands clean, and leave the legal risks to us, we'll even throw in a few Mort specials. Why don't you flip to page 12..."
"Let me stop you there." Blaine cocked his head as he was cut off, and Chase shut the book.
"We won't be using your services." He informed.
"With all due respect, your men are hungry." Blaine argued.
"Is that so?" Chase questioned.
"They're our best customers."
"I'm afraid I've got some bad news, Mr DeBeers."
"More bad news?" Blaine smirked, but I could tell he was angry.
"Whether it's blue brains or normal whole brains with their variety of personalities, they put my men in jeopardy. That's why I've let my men know your establishment is off limits." Chase informed.
"They're half our business." Blaine stated.
"That's not my problem." Chase responded, and I narrowed my eyes at him.
"You need more brains. I know you do." Blaine leant forwards, and Chase held out the book, standing up.
"I think I've got my brain situation under control. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have work to do." I continued to glare, attempting to get into his thoughts at this note, but all I found were military plans. There was something else there, but he hid it well. "Miss Mort, I'm aware of your heritage. I'm sure you're trying to get into my head, but I assure you, there's nothing to find." Chase informed, although his look said it was more of a warning. Blaine picked up on it too, wrapping a protective arm around me before heading towards the door, where Major was walking in. "Well, if it isn't killer abs." Blaine mocked, referring to the t-shirt that was going around.
"Restroom is just down the hall." Major responded, causing Blaine to scoff as we walked out.

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