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"Hurry, I cant stay for too long." I told Liv, rushing into the car beside her. She'd managed to gather Mama Leone's group, and I wasn't going to let the opportunity to help pass. "Why? Blaine gonna follow us or something?" She let out a half hearted laugh.
"No, he's at The Post." I shook my head.
"Ok, then what's the rush?" She gave me a confused look.
"He's gonna call me to check in." I replied.
"Jess, the baby isn't even close to being born. Why is he so worried?" She glanced across as she drove.
"It's hard to explain. Between the baby, and with the video going round, he insists I'm gonna be murdered." I let out a sigh, looking out the window.
"If you ask me he shouldn't even be trusted to raise that kid." Liv commented, I turned back to her.
"Liv." It was a half-hearted warning.
"Sorry, I can't help myself." She apologised.
"He's exactly the same." I informed, thinking about the complaints made towards her group.
"I can imagine," Liv rolled her eyes, and the car slowed, "we're here."
"Really?" I looked up at the building and she nodded, leading me inside.

We stopped at the end of a hall, and she knocked on the door. There was a long pause, until it opened to reveal the man from Mama Leone's murder scene, and I followed Liv inside in silence. "Good, you're all here." I looked over, seeing three others in the room.
"Why are you here?" The woman questioned.
"Because the show must go on." Liv responded, the brain taking over, "people are dying out there beyond the wall, but we have a chance to save them. And by saving them, we have the chance to improve human-zombie relations. That means more brains, and fewer starving zombies. It's what Mama Leone wanted, and it's what I want."
"Lady...we're kind of in the middle of something right now, okay?" The woman gestured to the table.
"Yeah, and isn't that Blaine DeBeers' girl? The guy who kidnapped Mama? And she's the one who almost murdered Chase Graves." Another guy walked over, glaring at me. Upon my recognition, the others grew wary and I folded my arms. "Look, if I wanted you all dead, you'd be dead. Yes, I'm Blaine's fiancé, and yes, he may have been involved, yes I almost killed that prick, BUT, I knew Mama. She supported me, and so I will be doing her justice, whether that's by helping you, or going solo." I stated.
"How can we trust you?" The first man asked the question this time.
"I trust her." Liv met my eyes, and I nodded, showing her my thanks, "if she wanted Blaine here, he'd be here in a heartbeat."
"Which is actually a while for us dead folk." I chipped in.
"Not your cue." Liv raised a finger to silence me and I nodded.
"What I'm saying is, she's no threat, especially not right now." Liv continued on.
"Why not?" The woman looked me up and down.
"I don't have to share that information with you." I immediately grew defensive.
"Oh, so we're suppo..."
"And that's enough, come on." The guy from Mama's execution lead us over and we took in the map laid out on the table. This was gonna be a long day...

"Liv. Liv, I need to go now." I interrupted the planning, seeing Blaine's name reappearing on my screen. He'd already tried to call me once and I'd messaged him saying I'd be home soon, but it seemed he didn't want to take that for an answer. "Is it..?" She glanced down, and I shrugged, possibly, she knew about Blaine getting protective. "Alright. Let's go." We stood up, and the man who I came to know as Levon, walked us to the door. Before we left he looked at me, "I know you didn't get the warmest of welcomes, but thank you, I guess what people say is true."
"What do you mean by that?" I gave him a confused look.
"There really is a beauty to the beast. Blaine's got you, someone who is nothing like him..."
"I'm gonna stop you there. What you know of me, is nothing. You know what I have let you know, Blaine and I, we're more alike than you think." I cut him off, and he just nodded, clearly thinking about my words.
"We should get going." Liv placed her hand on my shoulder, snapping me from the defensive glare I'd been giving Levon. "Yeah, I'm coming." I followed her out to the car, and she dropped me off outside the bar.
"Thanks for the ride." I smiled, turning back to her and leaning through the window.
"Thanks for coming. I'll see you at your check up in a few weeks?"
"Hopefully, no sooner." She laughed as I said this, and I tapped the roof of the car, "see you, Liv."
"Bye, Jess."

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