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I groaned as I woke up, stretching across the whole bed, and noticing Blaine's absence. "Dammit." I mumbled, sitting up and getting changed. Just as I went to walk out, I saw a note on the door. "Taking the Good Doctor's clothes back. I love you- Blaine." I read it out loud, sighing in relief. I headed down to the office, and sat down at the desk, taking out paperwork from the drawers. It was going to pile up, and I knew it would only get worse if we left it there. So, I settled down with some decent music, and got to work.

Around half an hour later, I was interrupted. "Hey, JM!l Don E stopped walking as he spotted me, face filling with disappointment. "Really? You wake up and the first thing in your mind is to fill out stupid papers?" He questioned. Beside him stood Chief, who looked at me and shook his head. "Well, if you give me about..a second..and...done." I smiled victoriously as I wrote the last dot, on the last sheet of paper. "What did you suckers want, anyway?" I questioned, looking up and leaning back.
"We, well, I need to talk to you. It's about Blaine.." Just as he went to continue, the door opened and Blaine walked in.

We all looked at him in silence. "What? Someone else die, or something?" He laughed, walking in and kissing my cheek, before sitting on the edge of the desk. "No, why'd you ask?" I acted innocent, putting on a confused face.
"I don't know, maybe because you all looked at me like I'd just got out of the principal's office." He responded, his voice laced with sarcasm. I shrugged, looking over at the other two, only to find they'd disappeared. So much for back up.

"Any updates from the morgue? How's New New Hope?" I asked, "at least I think that's the name of the current rat." Blaine chuckled slightly, before hooking his jacket over the back of the chair, and I stood up.
"Nope." When he glanced away whilst replying, I knew he wasn't telling me the truth.
"Blaine, what happened?" I grabbed his hand, looking straight into his eyes.
"Okay, you're scary. It's like you're looking into my undead soul."
"Don't change the subject!" I growled slightly, getting annoyed through my worry.
"Okay, okay. Ravi said that the new cure is...going, but he hasn't seen any side effects yet." He informed, and I smiled.
"See, that wasn't so hard now, was it?" He rolled his eyes, reaching for a chocolate that sat in a small glass dish. However, when he put it in his mouth, a look of realisation struck him and I burst out laughing. "Yeah, it's tough being dead. No chocolate for you mister." I took away the dish, and he nodded in agreement.

Suddenly, he started to cough. "Blai.." Before I could make any attempt to help him, he held out his hand, shaking his head. "I'm fine, really. Come on, let's go downstairs." He grabbed my hand, leading me to the basement. I couldn't shake the worry in the back of my head, zombies can't get colds, or flu, or any other sickness to make you cough. There was something wrong with him, and I feared that it was a sign of the end drawing near.

We walked into the room, and I shot both boys a small, annoyed look from behind Blaine. They ignored it, and I walked over to the fridge, pulling out a brain. "What's on the menu today, Miss Mort?" Blaine asked, looking over my shoulder as I opened a cupboard.
"Well, Mr DeBeers, I'm cooking a nice, seasoned brain. Then I'm going to cut it into slices so we can make as many sandwiches, or wraps that we need. Or, they can be used as a topping for other meals." I explained, setting to work on spicing up the food.
"Sounds nice." He replied, walking over and sitting with the others.

"What's the plan for today?" Don E spoke up, chewing some gum. I shrugged, looking at Blaine.
"Well, I've got a bit of sleep to catch up on, so after this meal I'm heading back to bed. You guys do whatever you feel like." I sighed as I started to slice up the meat, he wasn't acting like himself. I unintentionally started to slice faster, and harder, making loud thuds as the knife sliced through brain and onto the wood of the chopping board below. "Jess...Jess, Jess! Are you alright?" I jumped as Blaine placed his hands on my arms, and I looked back.
"Yeah, I'm just getting hungry looking at this." I lied, slipping a slice of brain into my mouth.
"Understandable, just be careful. I know you heal quick, but it doesn't mean I don't worry about you." He stated, taking the knife from my hand and putting it into the sink, "I'll sort this, you go sit down." He gestured to the others, and I walked over.

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