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I got my full share of sleep last night, and this morning I woke up with a new feeling, joy. I didn't know why, but I just felt unstoppable this morning, and the best bit was, today was a no-plan, no-host day. I had a whole day to myself. It would do me some good to be fair, a day where I can just take a walk and forget about all my problems, or a day where I could fix them? Nah, that's not my style.

"Morning guys!" I cheered, beaming at Don E and Chief as I entered the basement. "Whatcha doing?" I asked, looking over Don E's shoulder at the news he read on his phone.
"Updating myself, what's gotten into you?" He asked, and I shrugged in response. I looked over at Cheif, who was giving us both a knowing look. "What have you done to her?" Don E questioned, putting down his phone. Chief walked over to the fridge, pulled out the latest bottle of brainshake, and pointed from it, to me. "You spiked my brains!?" I started to laugh at the words, something I never thought I'd say. "That is brilliant, my friend. You're amazing." I smiled, and Don E just watched me in horror.
"Eat another, eat another! I can't deal with a prissy Jess. Please!" He started to plead, but I shook my head.
"Nope. This is the best I've felt in days, besides, it'll ware out soon enough...now, I'm going out to see some old friends. Call me if there's any news." I waved, skipping back upstairs, all the while Don E's horrified look followed.

As I was putting on my jacket, I heard Blaine shout my name. "How can I help?" I asked, turning to him and smiling.
"I was wondering if I needed to help out with anything downstairs, since I haven't got anything to do up here all day, you know if there's anything?" He asked, and I sighed, looking around in thought for a moment.
"You know what, just enjoy the time off. If anything does come up then tell the boys to take care of it. Anything else, sunshine?" I grinned, and he raised an eyebrow.
"Nope, oh and if this is what you're like on a full nights sleep, I'll stay up late more often. It's nice to see you all giggly for a change." I nudged his arm playfully, and we both chuckled slightly.
"I'll see you around, DeBeers."
"Later, Mort."

With that small exchange over, I headed to the small corner shop that was on the way to the morgue. Funny thing about this customer, she was a huge giver, and all I wanted to do was take a thank you gift to Ravi. Alongside it, a peace offering to Liv. Everything in my head, the tiny bit of human, was telling me to go back home, and yet everything undead led me to the small shop where I was going to buy the gifts. Funny thing about being a zombie, knowing your being affected by the brain, doesn't mean you can stop it. And so, I walked into the shop, smiling up at the counter as the small bell above the door rang to signal my arrival.

I wandered towards the chocolates, and examined the boxes. "What to get..what to, aha!" I smirked as I picked up the 'ChocoSpice' selection. That's some for Liv. Then I spotted a Dairy Milk selection box, British chocolate for a British guy. I quickly paid for the goods, and wandered back out and to the morgue.

"Good morning my good doctor!" I called as I entered, seeing Ravi sat at the desk on the right.
"Good morning?" He replied, cocking his head in confusion. I just skipped over, and produced the chocolate from behind my back. "You didn't...oh my god, you did." He went to take the treats, but paused as he noticed my grin. "Wait..the skipping in, a cheery good morning and now gifts...what brain are you on?"
"Would you believe me if I said it wasn't my fault?" I asked, looking at him innocently.
"Considering your usual, don't talk to me unless I get something out of it mood, then yes, yes I would."

"You would what? Oh, the She Devil is here." I let out a small sigh as I heard Liv's annoyed voice, and she appeared around the corner. "Liv! Just the person I want to see, come here, sit down!" I wandered over to the small table, and untucked a chair, gesturing for her to sit. She slowly made her way over, and sat down, looking at me with a suspicious air. "Liv, we've never gotten along, and I'd like for that to change. Yes, I know I'll probably go back to being my usual cruel self once this brain wares off, but I brought you some spice chocolates. I've tried them before and they actually taste of something, well, a little...anyway, I'm sorry for everything." I handed her the box, and smiled warmly.
"I'm just going to say yes because this is the scariest thing I've ever witnessed, but it doesn't mean I forgive you." She stated, standing back up and taking the box.

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