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When I woke up, Blaine was gone. To be fair, I had slept in until 11. I got ready then walked downstairs, he was waiting with a brain sandwich and standing next to the door. "What's got you up so early?" I asked, walking over and taking the bag.
"We need to go see our friends at the morgue." He replied, kissing my cheek, "look, last night, thank you.." I put my finger to his lips and shook my head.
"You don't have to thank me, come on, let's go." He nodded and I took his hand, walking out to the car and getting in.

I ate my sandwich on the way, and within minutes we were at the morgue. When we turned the corner, I turned around again, doing a double take on the scene. Liv had filled the room with candles and was leaning over a body. "Did you eat Edgar Allan Poe?" Blaine asked, she rolled her eyes.
"Odd. I was under the impression that you knew I couldn't stand the sight of you two..and yet, here you are." She snapped.
"We're an acquired taste, like gazpacho or that free U2 album." Blaine chimed, she smirked.
"What do you want?"
"Other than to know what brain made you do this?" I pointed to the scene, walking down the steps.
"Don't worry, Liv. We're not here to ask you to go on a tandem bike ride. We're here with some news. You know those five missing gentlemen in the newspapers? The ones the FBI have seen fit to investigate?" Blaine asked as we stood opposite her, I looked down at the body. Gothic, magician, of course. "Yeah." Liv nodded at Blaine.
"Well, three of them were big fans of brains. We know. They were our customers. Seems someone out there is killing Seattle zombies."
"And you're here to warn me. To make sure that I watch my back." She mocked, I laughed.
"Oh god, no. We're telling you this because we need your help to stop whoever's offing our living challenged friends.."
"Not to mention it's bad for our bottom line" Blaine cut me off, "so what do you say, partner? Should we take justice into our own hands?" I rolled my eyes as Blaine picked up the card and held it up.

There was a pause until Liv spoke up, "you two need my help? I try not to make a habit of fraternising with murderers." She stated, walking to the side.
"That's no way to go through life, is it? Look, we know they brought the FBI in on this missing persons case. Read it in the paper, been a Sunday subscriber since I was 7. NBD." Liv folded her arms as Blaine acted all proud, I sighed.
"Anyway, they got this lady fed heading up the investigation, Dale Bozzio." I put him back on track.
"Bitchin name, one you'd remember. Ring any bells?" He finished.
"Maybe." Liv responded, still on guard.
"Because if we can know what she knows, we stand a chance of getting ahead of the curve. So what'd do you say? Team up with us. Stop a zombie killer, maybe save a few lives, have a few laughs." Liv shook her head.
"I don't think so." I looked at her, pleading, but she turned away.
"Okay. Let me put it to you in Liv speak. Some of these missing zombies have families and are 'nice people.' And more 'nice people' are going to go missing unless we do something about it. Look, we know things the FBI doesn't. So we're ahead of the curve. Help us zombie wan kenobi, you're our only hope." I snickered at Blaine and Liv scoffed.
"This doesn't change the fact that you both sicken me." She stated.
"Wouldn't be us if we didn't." We both chimed.

That's when the lights turned on, and Ravi appeared behind Liv smiling. "I don't suppose you're here with a new batch of tainted Utopium?" He questioned.
"No such luck, doc. Thank you for your help, Liv. We'll be seeing you." Blaine took my hand and we started to exit, but I pulled away.
"You go on out, I'm gonna see if he can help with the whole..cure situation." I informed, he nodded, kissing my head.
"Call me and I'll send someone to pick you up later."
"Okay, I love you." I kissed him and he smiled.
"I love you too."

I walked back downstairs, into the lab and knocked, alerting the pair to my presence. Ravi walked over, "can I help you?" He asked, I smiled.
"Actually, you can. It's about the cure, so I'd assume you're interested?" He made an 'oh' shape with his mouth and turned to Liv, "you mind?" He asked, she looked at me.
"Not at all, I'll go help Clive with interviews." She walked out and Ravi waved me over to the desk.

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