Incorrect quotes 120,&121

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Emperor Belos: So I heard you do magic without being in a coven.

Eda, sighing: So did you invite me over for a witches' duel?

Belos: No, I invited you over for a tea party.
Belos, holding up his staff: But you interrupted me, so now it's a witches' duel. Learn your fucking manners, Edalyn.

Lilith, opening the door and carrying a tray: But I brought sugar and everything

Amity, writing in her diary: It's Day 23 of living in the dorms with Luz, Emira and Edric. I don't know how much more I can take. They're driving me-

Edric and Emira from the other room, singing to the tune of The Final Countdown: ITS A MENTAL BREAKDOWN

Luz off-key kazoo


Amity: ...fucking insane.

130 words
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