Incorrect quotes 205-207

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Amity: C'mon I wasn't THAT drunk

Luz: You tried to color on my face with a highlighter because you said I was important

Amity: because you are

Emira: My twin brother has no survival or self-preservation instincts. I think he has built without them

Luz: That can't be true-

Amity: watch this

Emira: Hey Ed, Race you downstairs!

Edric:*jumps out a window*

Willow: Here's a good question if you were to date anyone in this room who would it be?

Amity: LUZ-

Amity: L-Luz she's asking you*takes a sip of apple blood*

Luz smirking: Amity

Amity:*spites our the apple blood*

109 words
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