Incorrect quotes 233-237

328 10 3

Willow: What's the dumbest thing you believed as a child?

Amity: That I was straight.

(Honestly same)

Amity: Any extreme sport you've tried?

Luz: Does doing the homework while the teacher is collecting it count?

Me: Yes, It very much does

Edric: Okay so what exactly is the plan here?

Luz: Rescue everyone and make it home safely.

Amity: That's a wishlist.

Luz: We should appreciate the small things in life.

Luz, picking up Amity: You're appreciated.

Amity: I get it! You think I'm short! Now put
me down so I can kill you!

Amity: I hope you have a good explanation for this.

Edric: We have three actually.

Luz: Pick your favourite.

117 words
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