Incorrect quotes 238-241

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Emira: Did you buy eggs like I asked?

Edric: Better than that!

Emira: ...what did you do?

Edric, holding up a chicken: Her name is Fluffy!

Edric: I read an article today about the dangers of eating sugary things and how it affects your body and it really freaked me out.

Emira: So that's it, really? You won't do it anymore?

Edric: Absolutely. After today, no more reading.

Willow: We all know you're in love with her.

Amity: I'm not in love with Luz!

Willow: I never said who.

Amity: You little-

Luz: I'm going to need everyone to be straight with each other from now on.

Amity: I'm always straight.

Boscha: Oh, man, that's the biggest lie you've ever told.

125 words
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