Incorrect quotes 176,177,&178

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Emira, Edric, Amity and Luz hiding from the villain of the week.

Villain, whispering: Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?


Edric: You smacked into a wall and passed out. Do you remember anything?

Luz: Only the ambulance ride to the hospital.

Eda: There wasn't an ambulance. I drove you.

Luz: But I heard a siren?

Emira: That was Mittens.

Amity: I was WORRIED!

Boscha: Hey, want me to do a tarot reading for you?

Willow: Sure.

Boscha, laying down cards: Alright, this one tells me you're a precious angel, this one says your smile is heavenly, and-

Willow: Those aren't even tarot cards, they're photos of me.

Boscha: My point still stands.

121 words
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