Incorrect quotes 150-153

413 12 2

News Reporter: A man was paralysed after eating 413 chicken nuggets.

Luz, cracking her knuckles: So, the limit is 412

Luz: Do you or do you not still have me saved as 'Amity's cool human' in your phone?

Edric: Your hair looks amazing today.

Luz: Answer the question Ed.

Luz: Do you guys finish each other's sentences?

Emira: Oh, all the time. It's like we're totally in-

Edric: Spaghetti.

Edric: I'm never gonna use this math in the real world!

Later that day

Luz: Okay, we go on the count of three.

Edric, internally: Oh god oh fuck.

102 words
Thank you :)

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