Incorrect quotes 147,148,&149

423 12 2

Eda: This date is boring.

Camila: This isn't a date. I said I was going to the store.

Eda: Then why did you invite me?

Camila: I didn't. I specifically said 'don't come with me' and you said 'fuck you, I'll do whatever I want.'

Luz gets lost in a crowd:

Willow: Oh no, I think we lost Luz!

Amity: I think I've got an idea.

Amity, cupping her hands and yelling through them: SOMEBODY ONCE TOLD ME...

Luz, screaming in the distance: THE WORLDDDD IS GONNA ROLL ME!

Amity: Found her.

Willow: Wha-

Amity: Time to wake up, Luz.

Luz: Five more minutes...

Amity, snuggling into Luz: Five more minutes.

115 words
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