Incorrect quotes 182-185

374 10 3

Judge: How do you plead?

Edric looks at Amity:

Amity, mouthing: Not guilty.

Edric: Hot milky.

Amity: Just lock him up

Boscha and Willow babysitting:

Boscha, trying to comfort a crying baby: What is your problem?

Willow: Try singing!

Boscha, singing: What iiiiiis your prooooblemmm?

Willow facepalming

Amity: makes a group chat between her, Luz and Boscha

Amity, texting: Luz I've always had a huge crush on you

Luz: Cool but why's Boscha here?

Amity: Moral support

Boscha: I'm here for you girl

Boscha: Do your thing

At a restaurant:

Amity, to Luz and Edric: Hey, can you guys get us a table?

Luz and Edric: Yeah, sure.

Ten minutes later

Luz and Edric, carrying a table above their heads: AMITY START THE CAR!

128 words
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