Incorrect quotes 210-2103

344 10 2

Amity: I care about all my friends equally.

Willow: We were all attacked earlier when you were away.

Amity: IS LUZ OKAY?!

Willow: Just ask Luz out already! The worst she can say is no.

Amity: EXACTLY!!

Amity: I wasn't that drunk last night.

Boscha: You started flirting with Luz.

Amity: So? She's my girlfriend.

Boscha: You asked her if she was single and then cried when she said she wasn't

Belos: How many times are you gonna run? I've captured you, like, 17 times!


Eda: I feel like it's gonna be at least 18.

Viney: You know what they say, you can lead a horse to water...

Emira, trying to sound cool but forgetting the saying: But you can't drink the horse.

128 words
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