CHAPTER 3: Clingy Nurse

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2nd Person's POV

You're walking through the hallway of Hope's Peak. When you got near the classroom you heard noises. "Those bastards are being annoying again." You whispered to yourself. You opened the classroom door and you saw all your classmates playing with a huge screen machine.

"What's happening here?" You asked Pekoyama. She gazed at you, smiling. "Ah! you're here already. Souda~Kun build this and-," You interrupted.

"That's not what I asked. Just answer my question," She halted a moment then looked at you. "We're playing a game to have fun. Can't you see?" She said, averting her eyes on the game.

"Thanks!" You saracastically said and walked out since you don't like noises.

You left the classroom, you decided to go to the school's canteen to get some quiet time but your Homeroom Teacher saw you.

"Oh! Good morning Y/N~San! What's with the noise?" Yukizome~Sensei greeted and asked.

"Morning. They're playing a video game." You said.

She crossed her arms leveling your sight. "Why didn't you join?" She asked.

You sighed "You know the reason." She just nodded and walked pass through you.

You looked back and saw Yukizome~Sensei went inside the classroom while you headed straight to the canteen.

"What are you guys doing?" Yukizome~Sensei cheerly asked Souda.. He diverted his eyes to Yukizome~Sensei. He smiled.

"Remember when this is what we did to get along? Nanami~San suggested this cause maybe it would work with Y/N~San too!" He touched his hat, proud of himself that he makes this machine that everyone can play.

"Speaking of her, she's outside." Miss chisa said. She's talking about Y/N. "Souda! it's you turn now!" Ibuki interuppted. Souda positioned himself.

"Oh yeah! Pekoyama~San already told us, Nidai~Kun just got out to talk to her. She's no match against her after all!" Souda said with his eyes on the screen.

"That's good! I'm glad you're making her get along with you." Yukizome~Sensei said.

"Just like what we said Sensei! We're classmates! We wouldn't want anyone to feel left out!" He looked at Yukizome~Sensei. He smiled as he thumbs up making the others agree too. "Yeah!" They shouted.

Meanwhile, when you were in the school's lunch venue, you saw Nidai heading towards you.

"Hey! Come hangout and play a video game us." He insisted, you shook your head as an answer.

Since Nidai knew you wouldn't back down, he carried you on his shoulder. "W-what? H-hey put me back down!!" You said as you hit his back, but it doesn't faze him. He continued to walk til the two of you reached your classrom.

"You king of shitting put me down!!" You said in an angry tone making the whole class look at you.

"Guys she's here!" Nidai said as he was putting you down.

"Y/N~San come and play with us!!" Ibuki happily told you while pushing you near the screen.

"Don't touch me with your filthy hands!" You angrily said, but she didn't care and sat you down next to Tsumiki and Owari.

Cold Love // Mikan Tsumiki x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now