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It's about nine o'clock, one hour before your volleyball. You were with your childhood friend, Jade. "How does it feel like to be the country's number one player?" Jade asked.

"Boring." You answered.

Jade's eyes widened, "WHAT!? How is it boring!?" She asked, shocked.

"Aren't you also the number one setter? So you should know the feeling?" You asked.

"Well, I'm not bored of it. It's fun. Players are looking at you while thirsting for victory!" Jade explained.

"I'm bored of it because unlike you, you can play with your teammates and go to Nationals together. In here, I'm alone. Heck, I can't even compete except for this sportfest thingy. I don't wanna be number one alone. I want my team to become number one. I'm a team player, not a solo player." You said.

"So what are you planning after this?" Jade asked.

"I'm going to America." You said. (Insert intense background music /j)

"Can I come?" Jade jokingly asked.

"Why not!"

"Anyway. Let's change the topic. Who was the boy yesterday? He seemed really clingy to you." Jade teased, smirking.

"An acquaintance of mine. I just literally met him yesterday and he's acting all friendly." You responded.

"Wanna bet? I'm a hundred percent sure he likes you."

"Even if he does, I don't care. He'll end up getting rejected, anyway. And what about you? Pretty sure you have some guy crushing over you." You teased.

"W-well.... I do have a sort-of-a-relationship with the libero of our boy's team." She said, blushing. "We have mutual feelings... That's it..." She added.

"Looks like someone's gonna lose their virginity at a youn-" You teased but was cut off.

Jade hit you in the head, "Where'd you learn that from!? And don't talk to me like that. I'm your senpai. I'm a year older than you."

"That hurts!" You said.

"You're my kouhai. Respect me."

"Yeah. Whatever." You sarcastically said as you roll your eyes.

"Don't whatever me!"


"You better ran for your life!"

You stood up from your chair and sprinted while Jade chase you. Then you bumped into someone. Causing you two to fall. "I'm sorry." You said.

"I'm sorry too!" The girl said.

"Y/N?" Mikan exclaimed and helped you get up. "Are you alright?" Mikan asked, you nodded.

Thrn you heard someone mention your name. "Y/N! There you are. I've been looking everywhere for you! Come on I'mma bring you somewhere," Jin said as she pulls Y/N away from Mikan, Seiko, and Jade.

Mikan quickly grabbed Y/N'a arm. "Eh?" You thought. Mikan then realized what she have done. "I-I'm sorry!" She said as she stopped grabbing your hands and quickly apologized.

"Tsumiki~San? Let's go." Seiko said.

"Oh... You're the one who gave me the medicine for my wound?" You said and lifted your shirt, "Thanks" you added.

Cold Love // Mikan Tsumiki x Fem! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now